(Female Students) Variety Of Affections

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Requested by: Disguissed_Wolf
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Mentions of jealousy, overprotective, obsessive and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


It was yet another day with the usual being locked inside an extravagant room where it fits to your standards and needs as it seemed like the people who had prisoned you within the magnificent establishment know you all too well. Those individuals in question were no strangers to you in return, revealing that it were none other than all of your female classmates that seemed to have thought of this foolproof plan of a reason you continued to stubbornly deny the knowledge of. Staring at the room's still closed and locked door, you continued to enjoy the peaceful silence and the absence of any of them.

Despite not having a physical form, Ritsu had announced her presence with a greeting after appearing on a television screen far high up and almost reaching the ceiling. She's the one monitoring and ensuring that you are not making an escape any longer after so many attempts of doing so. Even complaining that it constricted your privacy, you had no choice about it. A pleasant melody of your favorite music soon played within the room, soothing you with any discomfort you might feel in this early morning. Thanking Ritsu of her kind gesture, she was left surprised with your utterance before smiling in return.

The music had soon ceased upon hearing the door click before creaking to open as two figures of the familiar classmates of yours enter. Both Kataoka and Kayano smiled brightly before greeting you an enthusiastic good morning. It was no question that Kataoka is wealthy enough to be the owner of the mansion she, you and the others are currently living in. Seeing your calculative gaze pinned on the bodyguards outside guarding the door and even some beneath the balcony of your room outside, Kataoka gestures for the guards to close it. Already knowing the same routine, you proceeded to start.

This went on for most of the time from the start of your captivity. Kayano always made sure that you look presentable as well as comfortable with your day's outfit. And once again, the necessities along with the clothes were bought by Kataoka. Approving of Kayano's choice, both of them subtly squealed upon seeing the very subtle rise of the corners of your lips for just a second before you finally prepared yourself to change in another section of the room away from their gazes. Being ready to get on with the day, you silently followed after their lead, joining in with their chatter with short responses.

You were surprised to see them make a diversion, going on to a hallway leading to what you had known to be the kitchen. The enticing smell of a familiar scent of a meal caused your stomach to grumble lowly in response to show your hunger. Showing your embarrassment, Kataoka and Kayano only reassured you that they are hungry as well, laughing softly as you three soon arrived at the kitchen, the two in a brighter mood than ever. Both Fuwa and Hara seemed to have been the ones preparing the food, waving at you happily and excitedly right after they are halfway done with preparing your favorite breakfast combo.

Fuwa beamed after you have accepted her feeding you, faintly blushing with how adorable you looked up close as Hara makes a taste test herself with her own spoon. The two of them anticipatedly awaited your answer after they asked how it tasted. You gingerly furrowed your brows in concentration while continuing to savor the taste, being silent as you just noticed that you three were the only ones within the area. You had unknowingly slipped out a mischievous side of yours, smirking subtly with how worried they looked before you expressed a fake saddened expression before revealing that it tastes good.

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