(Akabane Karma) Second Time's A Charm

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Warnings: Overprotective and possessive behavior, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Swish, slash and repeat. Your movements are fluid like a calm river and synchronized as you train under the heat of the sun at the inner courtyard of the castle. The sunbeams make the sweat and the blade of the sword glisten along with your (color) hues as it were filled with determination and focus that a certain friend and knight of yours couldn't help, but to be mesmerized by your actions and your entire being in general.

He was quite disappointed when his show didn't last for too long as a maid came rushing towards you as you also stopped when you noticed her approaching. "Young highness! It's time for you to go inside the castle. The king and queen are starting to worry about your safety!"

You release a tired sigh, annoyed by by how worried your parents are even though you're not in danger of some sort. "If that's the case, then should it be a good thing for me to train? Besides, isn't it difficult already to pass through the tight security of the castle? With knights stationed in every area and all."

You look around the area to see the said knights standing on every corner as your eyes locked gazes with golden ones for a moment before you look back at the maid as she trails off. "That's actually a good point, but..."

"Don't worry about me that much, Madam Muriez. I'll be fine on my own. I'm sure that the knights will immediately come to my aid if ever I need it. Don't concern yourself too much if you're getting scolded, I'll take all the responsibility of my actions." You said with a charming smile, putting a hand on your chest.

She bows, giving in and just letting you be. "Thank you, your highness. You're as kind as ever. Is it okay for me to go back inside the castle, for I still need to resume to one of my tasks other than informing you of your parent's orders?"

"Of course. Tell them that I'll be there in a few, ready for their scolding if ever there is." You gave a grateful nod as the maid scurry along back inside the castle after she said her goodbye as a certain knight saw this as a cue to make his own approach.

His eyes sparkling with amusement as a smirk tugs his lips, glancing at the maid then back at you. "Who would've thought that the highness is such a stubborn individual."

"Haha, very funny Karma-kun. Aren't you going to guard your station?" You dead pan, raising a questioning brow towards him.

He crossed his arms and gives a confident grin right back at you. "Your father requested me to guard you. It's been so long since we've talked. What news do you bring that echoes within the castle? Hm?"

You blink before answering his inquiry. "I'm quite surprised that you haven't heard of my coronation and along with that, I need someone to be by my side to rule over the kingdom."

"Does the king have any suggestions?" Karma asks, hiding his annoyance and frustration with the usual teasing tone in his voice.

You pierced the ground with the tip of the sword, putting your palm on the hilt of it as if it was a cane. "Isn't it obvious? The royalty from our allied kingdom, of course. He said that it is a chance to tighten the bonds between our kingdom and theirs."

"Have you met them? If that was the case, then shouldn't be there a party or something?" Karma frowns for a second before it disappears, hiding again what he is truly feeling at the moment.

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