(Kayano Kaede) Forced Affection

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Warnings: Manipulation, jealousy, threat, mentions of death, obsessive and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Hushed whimpers resonated throughout the room, but Kayano tries to tune it out through her joyous humming of a random tune. The upbeat noise completely contrasted with the situation of her awakened companion, who is getting all the more worried with what would happen to them in the hands of the unknown individual that captured them out of nowhere. Along with being concerned with their own state, the interrupting character of her own romance, as perceived by Kayano herself, had the audacity to glance at your still sleeping form with what she deemed as concern that made her stop with her humming.

The anger and jealousy she felt to the individual you've confessed to as someone you've adored for a long time that she discovered from a time during following you is slowly returning that even having you near her did not manage to let her gain control with her raging emotions. Her satisfaction from taking them away from their unknowing family and friends that would make way for her plan to be revealed to you evaporated until she was left with her want to eliminate the one she deemed as the only one stopping you from fully accepting her and her own love and devotion along with loyalty that's all having a dangerous intensity.

Just reminiscing the times that she observed you gazing at the one you've decided to give your attention to caused her to stop her palm from touching your hair that she had been doing so as a distraction while she waits patiently until you would be naturally awakened. Her fingers twitched as she imagined it tightly gripping the neck of her future victim, letting her desire simmer down a bit by clenching the bed sheet instead. Exhaling after mentally counting down and imagining the possible future she would plan to have with you, her sweet smile is once again present, but it is viewed as sinister to the other.

Despite the negative emotions she felt directed to them, her own doubts that would linger as well every time the two of you would interact were made known to herself when she's starting to be disturbed by it all. Just by looking at (Random name)'s physical features caused her to narrow her gaze in disdain, knowing full well that your adoration's to them had been formed because they undeniably look good, though she would never say it out loud. Focusing on this attribute caused her to think of ways that would make you feel disgusted to even look at them again as her delusions drove her to express her revolt.

"You look disgusting. Go see something else and don't taint Y/N with your gaze. You're not worthy enough!" With the last bit of her self-control as she makes a short approach to them, her tone portrayed her intense emotion as her voice gradually increased in volume that caused the person you adored to flinch unconsciously.

Already having an assumption that whoever kidnapped them is insane and would need mental treatment with the absurdity of their action, it became much more clear to them how unhinged Kayano really is. They are clearly no match against her, despite how she dainty she looked based on the reactions she had been presenting directed to them with her stored wrath. It would seem that Kayano's waiting had reached its end. Disturbed by the sudden loud noise, you start to wake up while lowly producing sounds of your own that caused Kayano's focus to immediately be given to you without a second thought.

Waking up after unknowingly knocked out cold, you were surprised to see both Kayano and your crush in front of you. Unlike most cases that you would sometimes see from movies of a character getting kidnapped and being held within an unpleasant area, you found that you're in a comfortable room, though a concern soon presents itself when you noticed what state (Random name) is in. Kayano seemed to be excited about something when you finally focused back on the two of them after letting your gaze wander around for a moment while the other is almost shaking in fear though seeming to remain determined.

Feeling amused by the shock clearly being witnessed by her through your expression, Kayano expresses her amusement with a short giggle that echoed throughout the room, causing it to be more sinister whether or not she intended for it to be, stopping when she announces. "Tell me Y/N... You only like (Random name) for their looks, right? I can be a better candidate if that would be the case. I can make myself much more deserving of you!"

Seeing you shake your head and even trying to calm the situation before requesting to talk this out in a normal way caused her to feel irritated, not wanting her plan to be interrupted despite you being the one doing so. Returning to her former position and takes a seat on the side of the bed beside your form, she only laughs in response to your suggestion, commenting about the hilariousness of it. Like a light switch, Kayano's mood changes as she then threatens to make your crush unrecognizable by anyone as she believes that you liked (Random name) because of their looks which is quite the common case.

"Please, Kayano-san... let them go. It's me you want, right? I'll accept your love, just please..." You begged for her to not let them be in this mess, making a deal to get out of the situation where you're going to sacrifice your freedom to love just to not let an innocent person be included.

You promised Kayano that you'll learn to love her soon enough that was enough for her to feel reassured within the depths of her delusional state of mind, though the need to satisfy her desire to eliminate (Random name) was not yet met. As a reassurance of your supposed arranged deal, you stopped yourself from pushing her away when she suddenly initiated an embrace, expressing your frustration with the situation through the clenching of your fists upon the excess cloth of her nightwear. Thinking that you're expressing your happiness through the action, Kayano peacefully smiled before it turned into a smirk.

The fear that your expression presented earlier made her feel wonderful, wanting to see it once more and even hoping for it to level up with the assumed reaction she would get from you once she would do something she had been hoping to perform. Ignoring the pain that sprouted from her nape along with her hidden tentacles begining to appear, easily sharpening them up and a series of slashes despite not having a clear view of the person behind her, she was able to know that she aimed quite well based on your hitched breath. The grip you had on her clothing lessened as she removes herself from the embrace.

The threat that she sent to you earlier that was supposed to not happen through the deal you initiated had been done, really leaving no remnants of the identity of her victim. The once pristine state of the area surrounding (Random name) is now covered in scarlet liquid as a clear reminder of the crime that suddenly happened that you were only able to comprehend when you heard a soft thump as the bloodied and unrecognizable face of the corpse continued to be clearly shown to you despite the figure limply lying on the ground along with the destroyed chair and cut off ropes that once bind the body.

Focusing on your shocked expression turning to anger caused her to giggle, ignoring your attempt at fighting with an eased restrain of your wrists with a tentacle while the other stopping your feet from kicking her by circling your ankles. The fear within your eyes from earlier bloomed once more within your gaze, causing her to smile before cooing at you while uttering supposed comforting words like she'll always be there by your side unlike the one that she had eliminated and that she's doing this for the sake of the two of you being together and to ensure that you would see it, despite it being a forced affection.

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