(Asano Gakushu) Securing the Bonds

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Warnings: Slight possessiveness and manipulation. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You stood beside the Principal as the two of you are standing in front of the other teaching staff of your former junior high school. His stature screaming confidence, determination with a slight mix of strictness that is just about the right amount as he is being looked upon the others and sees him as someone they should respect and also admire at the same time.

"I don't want any of my teaching staff to slack off. The education of the students is important as well as their health, may it be physical, emotional, and mental health, so don't let them overwork. Let's do our best to produce great students that will have a great purpose in our country." Gakushu announced.

"Yes, Mr. Principal!" The audience screamed out, agreeing to his goal.

The rest of the needed issues to be addressed in the meeting were being talked upon and after that, most of the teaching staff left to go to their own classrooms that left you and your very close friend since you were little, Gakushu Asano, the Principal. You proceeded to start arranging the seats properly, slightly pushing it forward to be much nearer to the long table when you stopped when you heard your companion pacing around back and forth, making you a bit dizzy at his actions when you stared at him for a few seconds.

"Was I too harsh... Too strict? Am I starting to become like my father...?" His question, in which he thought you wouldn't hear, made you slightly laugh at his nervousness as it was such a rare sight to see him having a breakdown like this.

You stopped his movements by placing both of your hands on each of his shoulders when you reached him, letting you witness the distress painted on his facade as you returned it with a comforting one while softly rubbing your hands on the same spot where each of it all were placed.

You were very proud of his change because he was very different when you were kids until you were teens. He was very obvious with his affections that resulted in his quite possessive characteristic and also made him easily jealous. You knew that an invisible leash had been secured on your neck during it all, but you couldn't also easily break it as you feel deep down that everything will be alright between the two of you.

You were the only person Gakushu had always confided in with his problems, the only one who supported and accompanied him through his journey, and the only person that he had learned to love and as surprising as it is, you had also grown to love him and had started to accept both the sides of the coin, the good and bad sides of him as he had also accepted yours. And because of that, you don't have enough courage to hurt him by just cutting the bond between you two.

"You're nothing like your father, Gakushu. You need to always remember that, okay? You're a much better person than him. You've grown and learned so much from what you were in the past." Easily cheering him up, you give a grin as he returns it with a small smile, nodding at your words and really appreciated your comfort.

Just being with you and knowing that you'll never leave him is enough. "You really know how to cheer me up, don't you, Y/N?"

His hand found its way on top of your head, softly ruffling your hair that made it gingerly fly around that resulted in a small disarray. Realizing his actions, he stopped and cleared his throat before pretending that he didn't do anything. His calm and cool demeanor returned as he bore a serious gaze at you, waiting for your answer.

"Do I? I mean, that's what friends are for, right?" You shrugged, continuing on with your small task as his cold demeanor dropped for a second before it returned that was caused by your response.

Is he really a friend to you? Did you really not see him in something more than a friend? Someone you would want to spend your life with? Does he need to tighten his leash around you---No, the last one is out of the question as he doesn't want to revert back to his worse self.

"Yes, and friends always stick with each other, yes?" Shaking his head, he asked with his gaze pinned to the scenery through the window to divert his attention and forget his pain for a short while.

You nod at his question, putting back the last seat properly in its respective place before approaching him. Seeing the sad look in his eyes in which he tried to hide from you, but again, you managed to easily see past through his cold exterior and witness it.

"Agree. Let's get through everything together, Shu." You were engulfed in a hug once he heard your answer to a question that he had been waiting for quite a long time in which you just softly uttered to him.

You softly smile, wrapping your arms around his form in return while nuzzling your head on his neck, taking in his scent. Gakushu whispers some soothing words and promised to be a better version of him each day as you just nod through his words, knowing that everything will be alright.

A soft clank rang through your ears, but you never found its source as it cannot be seen. The chains that wrapped around your body and the leash around your neck had snapped, leaving you in a much comfortable position with your relationship with Gakushu. But another chain was added, but it connects your own heart with his which indicates the acceptance and a level up of your relationship, a good one at that.

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