(Asano Gakuho) Puppet Strings

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Warnings: Manipulation, obsessive, overprotective, and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The unfamiliar feeling of the sun's radiant rays seeping through the opened window of the room caused you to be slowly pulled back to reality, waking from your slumber. You unconsciously squint your already closed eyelids in response to the sudden brightness that you're certain is much more than the usual light coming from the lamps near the bed. Wanting to be protected from the sudden disturbance, you turn away from the source before finding further comfort through a nearby pillow, cuddling the item. Presented with another unfamiliarity was finally enough for you to accept that it's time to wake up.

Slowly having your form be in a sitting position, you curiously glanced around the room that is currently lightened up in a natural way that would have been the very first time you would be witnessing. Who would have thought that the area that you considered as your prison in the past managed to look much grand with the help of the sunrays, basking underneath the sunlight as each item your gaze managed to catch seemed to radiate its expensiveness and fine quality. Another thing that you found very unusual is the absence of his presence, causing you to unconsciously search for him through your observation.

Being completely sure that he is not within the room and also not just hiding himself away behind any object and area that would be a suitable spot for him to so, you proceed to approach the opened window where a gentle breeze welcomed you. Adjusting your vision to properly view the wondrous landscape before you while also letting the remnants of drowsiness leave you, you stared in amazement upon clearly witnessing the beauty of the nature. Placing your palms on the windowsill, you subtly leaned forward before taking a mildly deep breath with your eyes closed, appreciating the new experience.

'This has been the first time I've seen this window being opened... Who could have possibly done it? Gakuho...? That would be quite strange...' You wondered right after, taking a glance at the gray curtain hanging on the side of the window frame before gently pinching the fabric.

Unbeknownst to you, someone is currently feeling quite the opposite of your own. Gakuho's calculative gaze is entirely focused on your form that despite it only being shown through his monitor, he remains positively affected while he marveled at your own wonder. Though he majorly feels concerned with the next possible action you would be performing. He's entirely prepared with whatever stunt you might have in order to make a grand escape to one of the many chances he planned out for you, but he remained worried about the possibility of it going awry as his loss would be very great because of it.

Despite it not his usual behavior, his feelings became vulnerable for a moment when his composure turned relax as he felt immense relief upon seeing you only adjusting the curtain before exiting the room, leaving behind the unmade bed that only made him shake his head in amusement. Changing the location that he would be observing, he watches you approaching the dining area. Seeing you peek through the entryway as if looking for him made his heart flutter, causing a small smile to be present on his almost expressionless features while he sees you interacting with a trusted individual.

Leading you to the vacant table where a meal is already cooling off and waiting to be consumed, Mavi smiled while guiding you to take a seat. "Y/N-sama, a pleasant morning to you. I hope that you've rested well. Here's your breakfast and I wish you would enjoy it. I'll be taking my leave now."

"Just a moment, I would just like to ask something." You called out before Mavi could make an exit, causing them to give you a curious glance that signifies the start of your questioning. "Do you happen to know where Gakuho is? I haven't seen him earlier. Has he eaten his breakfast?"

Mavi seemed to be reminiscing the possible answer, snapping their fingers before giving you a grin. "Oh, yes! Gakuho-sama is currently within his office, finishing up some paperworks, I suppose. A butler had already prepared and given him his meal. I almost forgot! It had been passed that he apologizes for his absence."

"He doesn't need to do so. I'm quite fine with it. Thank you." You replied with a smile of your own, being returned with a polite bow before Mavi states a goodbye once more that caused you to be left alone to ponder with the confusing start of your day.

Finishing up your meal with Mavi reappearing once more to clean up the dishes used, you bid them a goodbye before deciding to find the head of the household. Exploring the vast abode during the limited free time seemed to have been a good idea in the end, resulting to you knowing which hallway to turn to and which stairs and direction to choose. Though recalling the office's exact location caused you to notice an unusual detail during your travel, causing you to halt your progress before taking some steps back. Glancing to your left, you were surprised to see the supposed sealed door leading outside wide open as if enticing you to take a step and enjoy the freedom you have wanted in the past.

Your frozen state had been misread by a certain observer, believing that you're thinking of numerous possible ways for him to not be able to capture you once more if you fled. Filled with anticipation and anxious with the thought of you doing what he deemed to be the cause of his regret for even executing this situation, Gakuho intertwines his fingers as he frowns upon seeing you properly facing the opened entrance. He was able to stop himself from breaking his fingers of his doing when he unconsciously started to tighten his grip that also made his hands tremble, exhaling in relief when he sees you only taking a step.

'So that's what the outside looks like... I wonder if he would be okay with us taking a stroll in the garden. I'm sure there would be one.' You mused while also recalling the times that you had seen his cold expression break when you requested to go outside before he immediately disagrees.

With a longing gaze, but presenting the goal that is entirely different from what you had in the past, you solemnly smiled while still remaining hopeful before you face the path leading to his office. Seeing you continuing with having the same destination in mind, Gakuho's form shakes along with the small laugh he emits. Looking back on the screen is a pair of gleaming purple eyes, shining to reflect the victory he feels before he prepares himself with seeing you once you would arrive. Turning off the device he had been using to observe his experiment, Gakuho smiled before giving you permission to enter.

He might have been imagining it, but he had seen something connecting with your figure, travelling through the air and ending upon his own palms. For a moment, he had seen some strings that are very similar to what could be witnessed during puppet shows as he concluded that since he's the one in control of the strings, he's the mastermind behind your actions. The thought brought reassurance to him as you slowly walk towards his desk, radiating with glee upon finally seeing him. Deciding that everything had finally reached a positive result, he deemed that a reward would be rightful to be given to you.

"It's a beautiful day today. Don't you think we should enjoy ourselves with it? How about a tea in the garden?" He casually asked, glancing at your beaming expression as you excitedly agreed with his proposition that caused him to feel the more secured puppet strings.

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