(Akabane Karma) End The Chase

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Warnings: Obsessive and possessive behaviors, threat, manipulation, and violence. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You ignore Karma's calling of your name in a singsong type that's starting to get on your nerves. The soft breeze along with the mellow sunshine was enough for you to remain in a happy mood. You walk speedily towards Rio, whom you decided to partner up with for a one on one knife combat for their PE activity, since Karasuma-sensei instructed the class to find a partner of their own choice.

"Rio-chan! Be my partner, please!" You huffed once you're a few distance away from your classmate, taking a few short breaths while wiping your forehead of sweat from your small exercise just to get away from the redhead.

Before Rio could agree, you release a soft yelp when an arm suddenly makes its way around your shoulders as you mentally groan when the familiar annoying, but enchanting voice of the red head greets your ear. "Y/N already has me as a partner."

Karma didn't let you protest, starting to tug you softly, but with a firm grip. Not knowing why he suddenly starts to bother you, you wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Koro-sensei whistling as a cue to start. You take a deep breath and stare at your partner who's also waiting patiently for you to make the first move. You scoff and proceed to make the first move after noticing that he wouldn't budge, running towards him with your knife, prepared to stab his neck with blood lust unintentionally seeping out from you that was caused by a memory of how you ended up in the lowest class. Not that you minded to be in E Class, but there's another reason for it.

You sigh, tired of the boring lectures that was taught at a fast pace of your class. Luckily, you were able to catch up. You just hope that you'll survive this year and maintain your grades for your father to not get angry at you.

Walking along the dark sidewalk, that you just noticed the wrong way you had walked upon, you turn the other way to leave, but was blocked by a drunkard. 'How cliché.'

You mentally groan in annoyance, already imagining the outburst of your overprotective father about your tardiness. "Hey there... Care... to join... me?"

The man slurs in between some of his words as he sways while walking, approaching you who just crossed your arms across your chest and scoff. "No, thank you. I have better things to do than to join you. So please, be a gentleman and get out of my way before this turns a bit bloody."

You motion for the man to shoo in which the man replied a booming laugh at what he thought as your empty threat, even though it's very much true.

"Don't... worry, I don't bite. Let's... have some fun." The man continues his motions as you see this as no choice but to defend yourself, hoping that no one from your class or school will witness what you're about to do.

Taking out your pocket knife that you always keep with you in case of some emergency, such as this time, you pass by the man after you sneakily give him a flesh wound on his neck and arms. You leave the scene as the man continues to groan in pain, trying to stop the bleeding of his wounds by placing his palm on top of it. A certain redhead smirks in delight at how he finally managed to get a clear video of you hurting someone that'll probably be a good reason to put you in the E Class after knowing that the man you had just wounded was an important sponsor of the school. His plan will finally be successful in a few days.

"Such a shame for someone important to this school to be hospitalized in a few days by someone, right?" Karma suddenly questioned after avoiding your attack.

Taking a hold of your wrist, he delivers a kick to your abdomen, but was blocked by your knee. "What are you..."

You widen your eyes in realization as you harshly pull your wrist towards you, making Karma tumble forward and you instantly grab his collar and pull him closer to your face in which he found quite hot, even though you were frowning and look upset. "It was you who took the video, weren't you?! Why did you do it?! My father is going to kill me once he finds out!"

Karma frowns after hearing your last sentence, easily placing his knife directly by the side of your neck, but you didn't seem to care about the activity anymore as you glare at him while waiting for his answer. Karma smirks before leaning in as you instantly remove your hold of his collar, but he wraps an arm around your waist with his knife still in the same position as before. Your heart beat starts to increase its speed after Karma fans a breath near your ear, his own blood lust overpowered yours. Looking towards where the others were, Karma was at ease after noticing that they're just minding their own business. Noticing your nervous state, it made him glad that he had that kind of effect to you.

"I'm done chasing after you and just admiring you from afar and I'll kill him first before he makes a move. So if you don't want to see your father's corpse, which is probably a good present from me to you, stay in the E Class with me. Or better yet, be officially mine." He smoothly said, but the threat was evident in his statement that made you shake in fear.

"I-I... Fine..." You give up that brought a smile of satisfaction to the redhead who pokes the rubber knife to your cheek, glad that you had finally decided to end the chase.

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora