(Akabane Karma) Hush, Little Mouse

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Warnings: Torture, slight bloody scene, kidnapping, overprotective behavior, and violence. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The class bell rings as the students start to pack up their things and head outside afterwards. You see Karma walking towards you as you give a smile as a greeting that managed to lighten up his mood that was dumped after a long day filled with boring lectures.

"Why don't we go to the newly opened arcade? Your favorite bookstore is just beside it." Karma suggested as he slings his right arm around your shoulders.

"Your offer is quite tempting, but I have to reject it. Nagisa and I are going to study together for the English test tomorrow." You declined as you finish packing up your things.

Just by hearing his name dampen Karma's mood again, but he managed to act natural. 'That little mouse...'

Karma glances at Nagisa's direction for a moment. 'I'll need to remind him not to go near her, but he'll probably just going ignore my threat again. Hmm... What to do?'

"Eh? Aren't you already good at it? I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to ace it easily." Karma leans in while starting to poke your cheek with his left forefinger.

"Probably, but Nagisa actually wanted me tutor him and help him out with the assignment in the same subject that Koro-sensei gave to us earlier." You shrug as you also start to softly poke both of his cheeks.

"Fine by me as long as we'll go to the arcade tomorrow after class, deal?" The both of you stop your small display of affection as Karma gives a grin in which you returned.

"It's definitely a deal! I can't wait for it!" You notice Nagisa waving for you to come over in the background.

"I need to get going, bye Karma!" You peck both of his cheeks before leaving, making him both surprised and flustered at the same time.

His eyebrows furrowed when he noticed that Nagisa looked away when you kissed him and how easy he managed to cover it up when you're approaching him. That's not the only thing that he's suspicious of. He did not like how Nagisa would seem to brighten up whenever you're around him and he seems to be hanging around with you at any opportunity he might find. Just thinking about it made his blood boil, and he needs to let it out. He took a quick detour at a secluded area where some group of bullies tends to stay around this time. Four bullies are currently present in the area. With their muscular built, anyone would've been afraid to even stand near them, but not him. It boosted his excitement more since it'll be a challenge to fight them.

He was quite disappointed with the result of the fight. He got a few bruises, but he won. The other four are unconscious and are slumped down on the side of the street. It was already dark and a couple of street lights light up the area as he began to resume his journey towards his home. His bloodlust starts to go out of control and he needs to let it out since beating up the bullies doesn't seem enough. An idea pops in his mind as he starts to formulate a plan that'll have the main objective to satisfy his thirst for his own version of fun. It'll be done in a few days, but he'll try his best to be patient.

The next day, the bruise on his cheek was helpful to him since you're so worried about him that every vacant time of the class, you'll go straight to him and ask about his well-being and make sure that he's okay. The best part is that you didn't hang around with Nagisa throughout the day.

"You cheated!" You point an accusing finger at him, making him turn towards you with a confused look on his face while the other people in the arcade looks at the two of you in amusement while thinking of how cute the couple is.

"How did I cheat?" He asked in return.

"You're already a pro at most, if not all of the games here in the arcade while I'm just good at a few of them. It's not fair." You hold both of his shoulders and start to shake him. "Give me some of your skills!"

Karma shakes his head and softly laughs while patting your head that made you stop. "How about I make it up to you? Why don't we have a movie night tomorrow since it's Saturday?"

"Sure! Looking forward to it! Don't forget to take care of yourself, okay? Are you sure you're not hurt anymore?"

Karma nods while telling you to touch the bruise in which she reluctantly complied receiving no reaction from him that means he's not in pain anymore. "See? I already told you. It doesn't hurt that much and it'll probably disappear after a day or two."

He walked you home and goes to his own home afterwards. Karma is currently lying down on his bed while texting Nagisa to come over to his house tomorrow afternoon.

He got a reply after a few minutes saying that Nagisa had agreed and his plan is finally set. Saturday afternoon arrived in a flash as Karma had already prepared everything in the basement.

The sound coming from the entrance of his house that indicates the arrival of someone made him dash towards it, making sure to not let the bat he held be seen by the guest. "Nagisa! Come in."

Right after Nagisa steps inside with Karma standing from behind, Karma immediately swings the bat after closing the door. The bat hits Nagisa in the head, making him unconscious instantly. Nagisa wakes up with a pounding headache and tries to soothe it, only to find out that he has been tied up. Both of his wrists had ropes tied around them, binding it to the wooden chair's armrest, with his ankles also tied up to the chair's front legs.

"I love Y/N too much that I don't want you to go near Y/N ever again. Of course, my reminder doesn't end there. No matter how many times I already told you, I noticed that you're still opposing it that's why I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Nagisa's eyes widen as he sees Karma approaching him while holding a knife that seems to glint under the light coming from the small bulb hanging from the ceiling that seems to be the only light source in the dark and small room. Karma forces his hand to open and places the tip of the knife on his palm.

"This is for touching Y/N." He plunges the knife deeper in Nagisa's palm, making blood trickle from the source.

Nagisa's scream of pain was muffled by the rag that was wrapped securely around his mouth. Karma wanted to hear the sound he emits caused from pain, but he doesn't want to attract much attention.

His attention was diverted from him after hearing the sound of the doorbell. "Eh~ Looks like Y/N is finally here. I can't keep Y/N waiting, can I? Well, our fun ends here for a short while. I'll be back to check on you later. The fun isn't over yet."

Nagisa gulps while thinking of how idiotic of him to just accept Karma's offer to go to his house without suspecting that he'll do anything to him. Karma goes back up the stairs that leads back up to the ground floor of his house. Opening the door, he was greeted by your smiling face.

"What's that small red splash on your shirt?" Your question caught him off guard. His excitement to see you again made him forget any possible stain the mess he made might leave.

"Hm? Where? This?" Relief flooded him once noticing that it was just a small splash of blood, that's not too obvious to be one, present on his gray shirt. "I was eating a strawberry jam sandwich and might've made a mess. Don't mind it and besides, we still have a movie to watch."

His lie seemed to convince you as the two of you start to prepare for your movie date. Time flies when you're having fun and that's exactly what happened with the two. The permanent crescent moon had already replaced the sun. The both of them enjoyed the time that you two had spent together that Karma forgot the person he held captive in his basement. Just like yesterday, Karma walked you home to ensure that you arrive home safe.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the basement as Karma's figure emerges from the stairs, slowly making his way down while playing with a butterfly knife. His eyes glowed with sadistic motive as he walks towards Nagisa.

"Now, where were we?" Hearing his captor's voice made Nagisa tremble in fear. He tried escaping from his bindings, but it was fruitless. He underestimated Karma's bloodlust and violence and now he had to pay the price for being foolish.

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