(Akabane Karma) No Escape

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Warnings: Obsessive and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The soft pitter patter of the rain had brought a subtle comfort towards you, diverting your attention from focusing too much on trying to escape your kidnapper's embrace. Seeing as your attempts were always futile as his strength is much more on a higher level than yours, you gave up. This only made him smirk in victory, proceeding to further let you nuzzle on him as you had managed to turn your face away from being squished on his chest. With a blank look on your face, you stared at the forest outside being bathed upon the raindrops. The solemnity it brought had caused you to reminisce the time of your mistake, making you subtly frown.

Caused by your rash decision of making such plan had been paid by many lives of others, weighing you down with guilt. And the underestimation of your anticipated suspect of the murders had brought along with it, leaving you to be succumbed in your past. Thinking of such failure had left you be disappointed in yourself, but you knew that there is no point crying over spilled milk. The only thing you could hope for is for the police officers and perhaps a detective like you will be able to uncover the mystery behind your sudden disappearance with only the corpses of the unfortunate members of your plan behind.

Karma glanced at the wall clock that was being lit up by the light coming from the television where an ongoing news is being broadcasted, noticing that it is still not yet the time. Two lampshades also helped in illuminating the living room, just enough for the two of you to still enjoy the solace brought by the nearing darkness of the night. Such cabin that still held enough extravagance was being held private from any prying eyes and nosy investigators that might be looking for you, keeping you all to himself right after the incident. Gazing at you with such adoration you are unaware about, Karma proceeded to let you glance back at him as well.

Gently lifting your chin, you tried to glance away from him as he lets you be, knowing that your attention would be fully on him again later on. The very small moment that he had acquired by seeing your eyes was enough for him to deduce something, smirking so mischievously that almost reflected his past self as he utters. "Y/N, you have the same look in your eyes again. Do you remember the happenings that brought you here with me? If so, it's like fate, isn't it? We are truly meant for each other, my dear detective, as we are also thinking of the same thing." 

The joviality in his tone is clearly present, being awestruck with such coincidence. You shivered at his lovesick dazed state, uttering such foolishness as you glared at him. Still having your stubborn personality and determination as well, you still have hope that you would soon achieve success when it comes to escaping your prison with him. 

Trying to distance yourself away from his physical contact, you retort back with enough venom in your tone to address such hostility you still held towards him from the incident that was in no way diminished still. "Just so you know, Karma, I've not given up yet." 

Karma just chuckled at such tone of yours and even with your claim, raising a brow as he asks back. "Really? Are you sure?"

His amusement didn't faze you, rather it only fueled your determination to make such statement true and further more. You cast a questioning glance at him upon seeing him looking at the clock for the second time, wondering what could cause such actions to be executed. Seeing your curiosity, he just smirked back before pointing at the television. Adjusting the both of you in a much more comfortable and still having the affectionate gesture he started, the news soon informed you of something that immediately crashed your hopes in trying to escape. 

As you heard more of the reporter's uttering, you were being succumbed more and more in a state of disbelief. The news is shown where the reporter is having an interview with a high ranking officer where they had already revealed that you won't be needed to be searched any longer as you and Karma's corpses have been found. You were even being pointed out as one of the main suspects of the killings of the other officers of the incident which led to the closing of the case. 

"Now, do you really think you can escape still? The public knows that the both of us are dead. A tragedy for them, but only a way for us to have our own happy ending at last, don't you think?" Karma lowly whispered, bringing shivers at the exposed skin nearby.

With a small stream of tears of hopelessness starting to make its travel from its glassy sources, you weakly reply in subtle fear and anger. "You... You really are a monster. Where's the Karma that I had known to be the mischievous, but still determined assistant detective of mine? What... had happened to you?" 

With enough strength and courage you could muster, you soon meet his gaze. Gently cupping your cheeks and bringing your face closer to him, it only lets you give a good view of the smugness he held. He grinned in satisfaction and happiness, canine teeth seeming to be quite sharp. Ignoring your dissatisfaction, he lets out a chuckle that seemed to reflect his dangerousness.

"I could be asking the same towards you, Y/N. After all, you're a part of the reason why I became this, my dear detective." He replied, letting his lips make contact with yours and taking advantage of your shocked state. 

His similar words from the incident ringing and echoing inside your mind, letting you be distracted from the one sided show of affection he showered upon you. He had already been successful with the plan he had executed himself against your own and there would be no means for you to foil his success by escaping him. This time and for much longer, he'll make sure that you will have no escape and would soon learn to accept your fate.

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