(Asano Gakuho and Gakushu) Likeness

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Warnings: Overprotective and possessive behavior, subtle threat, and jealousy. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Gently taking off the mittens you've used to ensure that you won't be burned with the newly cooked meal you have prepared, you release a sound of surprise when someone suddenly hugged you from behind. Glancing behind to see whoever it was, you scolded your husband in a joking manner as Gakuho just chuckled at your reaction. Your rambling stopped when he suddenly gives you a morning kiss that made you embarrassed and surprised again. Before you could utter another round of sentences to lecture him with his sudden actions, he had already made his way to greet Gakushu who was already seated in his own designated seat at the dinner table. Gakushu takes a peek through his palms that covered his eyes earlier.

"How's my little ace doing? Did you get some good sleep, Shu?" Gakuho gently coos before placing a soft kiss on his son's forehead as Gakushu smiled happily before completely uncovering his eyes, returning a kiss on his father's cheek as a morning greeting.

"Yup! I have sweet dreams since mom read a nice story before I went to sleep!" Gakushu gleefully answered, calling out to you to join him and his dad as some of the family staff take this as a cue for them to be the ones helping out the three with their breakfast.

Placing enough amount of your prepared food for Gakushu, you thanked the staffs that helped you out before they finally took their leave. Taking the reigns from then on, the family soon had their joyous breakfast accompanied with lively conversations.

Finishing with his breakfast first, Gakuho proceeds to continue on with his preparation before leaving to go to work. Not wanting to miss saying his goodbyes to his father, Gakushu takes two last spoonfuls of his meal. You smiled at your son's eagerness to see his dad one more time before he leaves for work, calling out to him before wiping off some of the excess food at the corner of his lips with a tissue a staff had given to you. Requesting for the staff to clean up the remnants of the meal, she silently nodded in agreement. The staff bowed in respect before carefully maneuvering her assigned task without looking at you as she along with the others had not yet made a single eye contact with you through the years of their service.

You didn't mind this behavior as you had soon grown used to it as it had been made a requirement for every person who works for your family to do so, a strict order by the head of the household. Walking along the hallway that leads to the entrance of the abode where Gakuho awaits, Gakushu carefully leads you two while keeping a grip with your hand. Taking enough distances each step his feet took, the two of you soon arrived. Gakushu proceeds to gesture for you to lift him up since he still lacks enough height and also just wanting to be embraced by you. Keeping a secured and still careful grip on each of his sides, you gently lifted him up before letting him sit on your arm with the other holding his back.

Gakushu faces his dad, waiting for him to lean his face close before he gives a kiss goodbye on his cheek. Adjusting to be at the same height as yours, Gakuho proceeds to give a goodbye kiss to you while Gakushu hides his face on top of your shoulders that both made you and Gakuho to chuckle in amusement and by his cuteness. Waving one last goodbye, Gakushu sadly watches as the car his dad is driving is finally out of his sight. Saying reassuring words while you two journeyed to the living room, Gakushu's mood soon lifted up to a much better one after thoroughly missing his father's presence. After knowing that the he will have more time to spend with you, Gakushu had soon participated with any fun activity you could come up with while waiting for Gakuho's arrival.

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