(Isogai Yuma) Love You Better

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Warnings: Death, murder, killer, slight bloody scene, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The soft wind blew along the clear field as the clouds luckily covers the sun, shading the students from its hot rays as they continue on with their activity in physical education. You watch your classmates try to land a hit with their partner, pinning your gaze to each of them and observe the way they move as you're quite new to everything that had happened in this class. Being quite a fast learner yourself when it comes to these types of things, you memorized the different actions and proper hold of your anti-sensei knife in which you're currently absent-mindedly twirling along your fingers.

You continue to stare blankly at your new classmates that you just noticed someone had already approached you when they started to talk. "L/N-san, I know that you're still new, but is it fine if you're going to test your skills based on your observations?"

Karasuma-sensei, your new teacher for the subject, asks, gesturing a hand to the dark brown haired boy standing beside him. "Isogai will be your partner, but if you don't want to, you can choose other classmate which you deemed you can handle."

Karasuma gives a small nod to the boy in which you've learned was named Isogai. Your teacher walks off and starts to lecture some of your classmates, leaving you alone with Isogai.

"L/N-san? Is it okay if I'm your partner since the others are quite busy..." Isogai gives a small wave towards your direction, wanting to make you comfortable with him in your first meeting.

You stand up from being seated on one of the small set of stairs that leads to the field, dusting off your clothes and gives a nod at him. "It's fine, I apologize in advance if I'm not that good at it. I noticed that you're one of the few that are quite good."

"No problem, I can teach you if you want. We have a free time next since Koro-sensei wanted us to have a little rest." Isogai looks around and points at a vacant part of the field, a bit away from the others.

He glanced back at you as if asking if the spot is okay in which you nodded. "Sounds good to me."

You give a small smile in reassurance, returning his brighter ones which is way more energetic and more alluring than yours that you find yourself lost along with his bright hues. Everything about him seems to hypnotize you, like a siren calling out to you and making you calm amidst a stormy sea.

"Let's start?" Isogai waves a hand near your face, snapping you out from your trance where you wanted to be back again as you had noticed that you're already at the spot where he was pointing at earlier.

A small blush both covered your cheeks, but the two of you just laugh it off and proceed to take a stance with your knives at the ready. Isogai was the one who attacked first in which you instantly deflected after you searched through your memory to what defense is best suitable for his attack.

He took a step back, making you a bit confused. He motions for you to attack him as you finally understood what he's getting at. Taking a leap from where you are, you tried to kick off his knife as you succeeded upon doing so since he was surprised by your sudden movement. You kicked off his feet next, making him tumble backwards as you immediately straddle him with your knife pointed at his neck. Realizing the awkward position you two are in, you instantly stand up properly and start to apologize after helping him up. Isogai didn't seem to mind what had happened earlier as he raises a hand for a high five.

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