(Asano Gakushu) Like Father, Like Son

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Warnings: Slight mention of kidnapping and manipulation, overprotective and possessive behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The abode that you once saw as a cage filled with bleakness after you were taken away the freedom to have the decision to not take him as your husband was soon slowly being filled with warmth, but with just quite the minimum amount of it. Clear hallways that had only been decorated with quite artistic paintings on the wall with some expensive vases underneath had been changed and most of the times being occupied with your son's toys that littered across of it, but being responsible already for such a young age, he'll immediately clean it up after forgetting to take his play time in its own room as he had always wanted for the two of you play hide and seek with him momentarily placing his toys on the said location.

As surprising as it is, you had grown to love and care for your son, even though it might not be with the same with his father. With the hate you had felt towards Gakushu right after he had suddenly announced your marriage, forced to be exact and unknown to you, you were skeptical about feeling and having such a positive connection with your soon to be child, but that had soon changed. And as ridiculous and unbelievable as it is, Gakushu had also seemed to change for the better after his son's arrival to the world, promising to be a much better father than his own. Because of this, it would seem to be a no brainer who your son had grown close more to be with and with many similarities, most you were still unaware of, and that would be his dad.

Hearing (son's name) calling out to you snapped you out of your journey down the prison of your past, prompting you to look to where your son is standing at before closing the photo album you had once again began skimming through after having another playtime with him. Why you were trying to bring back the bad memories you may ask? Well, it seemed like your husband wasn't the only one who had a change of heart, but also yourself. As the years went by while you watch your child grow with your husband really keeping up his promise to be a good father, may it be preparing quite a grand celebration whenever your son had achieved something in school and for special celebrations to still having some time with him along with you after a long day at work, you had soon found yourself starting to accept Gakushu's change.

His once overbearing nature of being overprotective and even using up some of his manipulative tricks in order for you to give in had slowly dissipated, seeming to be a layer on the seashore that easily washed off by the tides of the ocean that swiped along with it, bringing bits to the watery abyss. But alas, the water did not manage to bring along all of the particles of that certain layer, forgetting to take away those which are of quite a distance away and that sand particles could be compared to Gakushu's darker self that he had managed to hide away from you for quite some time. Who knows when it would show itself again, but this time he's not the only one for it had unfortunately passed down to another.

Looking back through some images might bring back your dissatisfaction and disappointment to be with your current husband, but for how long you had stared at your wedding photo, not one ounce of hatred had come to light, rendering you helplessly accepting your fate. (Son's name) curiously stared at your quite frustrated expression earlier on as you gazed at a certain picture and not wanting to be left out of having your attention for quite some time, even though the two of you just played earlier, he decided to satisfy his questions with your answers as he takes a seat with you on the couch. You gave a questioning gaze to your son, silently asking him what he wants to do as he immediately understood it.

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