(Akabane Karma and Asano Gakushu) Challenge Accepted

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Requested by: JazzelMarianeLaguio
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Violence, killings, subtle manipulation, threat and bloody scene, overprotective, obsessive, and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


A whisper followed by another and another along with glares filled with contempt, seeming to bring harsh judgement about something connected to you that they greatly disapprove. These had become the norm when the people around you would notice you three. Despite being in public, the two would subtly show that you are theirs, ignoring the disapproving look to those who would manage to witness. It was just a series of simple act of love, ranging from intertwined hands with each of them to kissing on the cheek at most, just the usual actions couples would indulge themselves, but it seemed to be foul for the viewers.

It was the same until now, resuming the cycle of receiving mostly hatred and disgust from the others whenever you three would hang out together. You remained strong despite their judgement towards your polygamous relationship, but receiving such displeasure from your own friends caused your stand on the matter to crumble. You temporarily snapped out from such negativity, faking your liveliness throughout the date you currently are in with your lovers. Though it is undoubtedly a difficult task to forget. Finishing the last spoonful of your meal, you found yourself wandering in the past conversation you had with them.

The conversation turned serious, absent of the laughter you shared with two friends of yours. One of them gazed at you in all seriousness, causing you to listen intently to the statement they're about to offer. "Relationships like that never work out well. You better end it soon before you will have your heart broken, Y/N. And remember, we're only saying this because we care about you. We are your friends, after all. We know you better than those, boyfriends of yours. You know what? Let's cut the chit chat about them and just enjoy another conversation, okay?" You could only remain silent in return, conflicted.

As the end of the meal of the supposed lovely date you are having soon arrived, both Karma and Gakushu silently agreed that it's the right time to question you. They soon decided to ask the reason of your gloomy nature that really is unusual considering that you are the one bringing a lively aura when the three of you are together. Their inquiry snapped you out of your daze as you prepared yourself for the only resolution you thought.

Releasing your tightened hold on your utensils, you gently place the objects back down before meeting their expectant gazes as you reveal. "I'm really sorry... but I think we should take some time off together."

The two stared at you in silence as the seconds slowly ticked by, hoping that what they had just heard was just a figment of their imagination, something that is not true, but your remaining unfazed expression reminded them that it is all real and currently happening.

"Y/N? What do you mean? Do you need to take a break?" Gakushu gently asked in return after recovering first from shock.

He is further baffled with your response. "Yes, with our relationship. I want to break up... It really is a difficult choice, but I had enough of the judgement we always receive from others, especially from my friends. I'm really sorry... If you'll excuse me."

Leaving enough money to pay for your own meal, you bid them goodbye before hastily exiting the establishment. They could only watch your retreating figure slowly diminish before having nowhere in sight. Your dearest, but traitorous friends would be their first target, proving to you their loyalty and risks that they would take just to ensure that no one would be against the quite unique relationship the two would establish back with you soon enough. With great planning and patience to wait for the right time to strike, their anger and frustration to those who decided to mess with them had soon slowly been satisfied. 

The first victim seemed to be the very cause of your doubts, being proven when instead of being scared for her life, she proceeded to mock them. Her hurtful words, however, did not cause either of them to falter. Wanting her annoying threats and bullying of some sort to end, Karma immediately expresses his frustration about everything, beating her up with such powerful punches that left vibrant bruise marks on each impact. The fun was only starting as Gakushu hands him a hatchet. They ensured that she will be the one experiencing the most hurtful death among the other targets that it's best left to not be detailed. 

Your other friend was the one that seemed to be hesitant upon supporting her opinion, treading carefully along conversation, but that didn't stop them from eliminating him. If not for the fact that the three of you are in a polygamous relationship, then his scorn was caused by you not being with him that made him all the more a threat. His death was easy with Karma bringing the finishing blow of it with a knife pierced on his chest and perhaps another and another. With the satisfaction of their success, the two proceeded to the second part of their plan with such news about their elimination soon reached you.

After a week of the different interval of crimes, you had managed to understand the reason behind your friends' sudden deaths. It was certainly out of the blue, but with the way the murders were carefully done, it was difficult to pinpoint the people behind it all, for the others, though not for you. Knowing that they had eliminated those who thought so negatively towards your former relationship with them undeniably caused an unusual fluttering of emotions within you, mainly being touched by their strange show of affection that left you numb with reacting to the supposed solemnity of the news of your friends being dead.

In fact, it only left you relieved that the people who pushed you to break off the amazing bond you had with the two are now gone, leaving you confused and conflicted with the way you are feeling for their actions. You are left amazed by the certain degree they would go just to make sure that those had hurt you through words and judgement would pay. Wanting to also make a move to build back the relationship you all had, you agreed to their request for a meetup not soon after, adding to your final decision to rebuild it. Seeing the two personally again definitely made you almost weak in the knees.

With such intelligence and even good connections the two have combined, you were certain that the deaths of those who judged you all in your relationship will stop until every last person, stranger or not, will meet their end.

Unafraid with such objective of theirs, you proceeded to inform them with determination. "I'll let you do as you please, but let it be the last. I'm also requesting for you two to not drag my loved ones into this mess."

Carefully tossing a knife to either hand, Karma answers. "If they're not against us, then we'll spare them. But other than that, we still have something important to discuss." 

Ensuring them that none of your family are against the relationship, you then responded to the said important part of the meetup, smiling in relief and hopefulness while gazing at them with the same affectionate manner you held during the time you all are together and if not it had probably also increased. "I already have a guess on what it could be, and I just wanted to say that... I really missed you two so much. I'm really sorry for being such a coward, will you two forgive me?"

Tears started to be present, slightly blurring your vision as you held remorse for the breakup that you caused that seemed to be not needed.

Though it was an important factor for the two to finally take action as they also see themselves at fault for being careless, but blaming it to those who are against you three was much easier to do. Reassuring you that it's not your fault, Gakushu proceeded to hopefully ask. "Do you mean that you'd like to give us a chance?"

Your positive response greatly made them feel relieved before being joyous, showering you with sweet affections they had missed to give. Once the same problem would arise, the two are prepared to accept the challenge and ensure that they would remain victorious, taking advantage of your understanding nature. 

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant