(Akabane Karma and Asano Gakushu) Simplicity

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Requested by: JazzelMarianeLaguio
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Subtle jealousy, obsessive and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Seeing the pair being competitive even in just simple things caused you to wonder what even caused such a trivial matter. Unlike most of your class, you were just a transferee and any history that the two might seem to have remained unknown to you. Remaining in such way until you have managed to put some gossips and chatter here and there about them until you have managed to make the full story behind it. The simplicity of it caused you to be surprised, but nonetheless amused, deciding to worm yourself along with their rivalry as a means of your amusement to make the school year less boring.

Such opportunity to get close to them had soon presented itself by the means of a group project. You could already hear some mutterings from the others with how lucky you were to be grouped up with the two, but seeing the circumstances they brought themselves to, you have an otherwise feeling for it. As you reached the location where they had occupied with themselves and have another seat vacant for you, you were already met with them bickering with what they should do with the project. You sighed, sweat dropping at the sight before focusing on the written directions of the project on the board.

"Akabane-kun? Asano-kun? Do you mind to hear my suggestion with the project?" You calmly called out to them, glancing away from your own writings on your notebook with what you intended for the project to be.

Gakushu's subtly irked expression turned to surprise, simultaneously being felt as well by Karma from having his smug and teasing aura. Gakushu clears his throat before ensuring that he was composed before giving you a go signal, seeing as Karma had immediately sabotaged his idea and thought that yours might be better and would be given the chance to be heard by Karma as well. And he was right, seeing as his known rival since junior high had also given his attention to you.

Noticing such, you brought out your laptop before waiting for it to finally activate, explaining your suggestion to them while you wait. "Asano-kun, you will be the one to present, seeing as you really are skilled when it comes to it while Akabane-kun will be doing some research along with me as I finalize the overall presentation to be shown next week. Lucky us, I guess. We're the ones doing the presentation first."

You immediately began to type along your keyboard after opening the right application for such task when receiving their agreement.

You were satisfied with the interaction with a minimal bickering of the two, quickly finishing up the presentation much quicker than the others. Seeing that there was enough time left before the end of the whole school day, you decided to let yourself be graced with the presence of the two, but Gakushu suggests to review the project first, quite in doubt with the you had done for it majorly. Having no qualms about it, you let him and Karma take a look all the while you proceed to help him gain more understanding with what he could possibly say to the others once the presentation would occur, leaving the two surprised.

From that moment, Gakushu was the first one to have gained interest with who you really are, seeing as you seemed to have skills in par with both him and Karma. Noticing such, he grew more curious to why he hadn't noticed you earlier on, mentally scolding himself for almost slowly closing to losing such precious treasure if it wasn't for that fateful moment. He decided to investigate more about you, investigating and definitely not stalking. Acquiring quite classified information that the school probably acquire about you was easy. Whatever it had shown him, he won't mind too much as the important thing is what is happening in the present and what would in the future.

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