(Shiota Nagisa) Hunt and Deception

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Warnings: Overprotective and possessive behavior, mentions of killing, bloody scenes, and manipulation. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


As you trek along a muddy and rocky path along the woods that leads to its much deeper parts with some of the dirt had already accumulated itself on the leather boots you wore that left its prints behind each careful step you take, darkness is already starting to swarm the forest that makes it almost a good time for you to try and capture your target. Being equipped with the right unnoticeable weapons for hunting that's being kept within your satchel that's hidden under the cloak with its hood almost covering your eyes, but still lets you see your path, you prepared yourself for any unexpected attack from the creatures that lurk in the dark, especially the one that you're searching for and would hopefully kill to let your family of known hunters accept you as one of them again.

Being given the privilege to be born in a family of talented hunters had its disadvantages and advantages. Fame, courage, richness, and many more achievements that the other people always congratulate and express their awe for it are some of the latter, but this was not in your case. You were the only one that seemed to have skipped to have the same skills as theirs, rendering you as a disappointment to them. And so because of that, it had become your motivation to reach the goal of proving that you are as powerful as they are that led you to your current journey that you had been preparing for from when you had deemed that it's time for you to become like them and with the dark creatures gaining more power over the years, this only added to the reason for you to become a great hunter one day.

Glancing up, you noticed that it would probably rain later on that was being held proof by the slowly passing gray clouds where the rain drops are already starting to store all of it until it would be heavy enough to cause a strong downpour. Hoping that you would have enough time to find a good spot to set up a camp, you continue on to do the said diversion of your plans while being unaware of a fight that would soon start somewhere near your location. Sighing in relief when you thought that you still have enough luck left that made you accomplish your current task, you further hoped that it would last long until you'll also manage to successfully hunt a creature, bringing a part of it as a prize of some sort and a proof to your family to finally accept you as one of them.

Finishing setting up your tent while making sure that nothing seems to be a threat to your surroundings, your next actions were halted when you heard a loud howl that was only a small distance away that made you excited and nervous for your very first hunt. Preparing the weapons that you might need in order to annihilate the creature, you began to jog your way towards the direction where the sound came from while getting ready to fight. You fastened your pace after ensuring that it's fine for you to do so and also thanks to the adrenaline rush that kicked in caused by what you're currently feeling, not wanting for the werewolf to escape you and to miss your chance for your very first kill.

Managing to see clearly with the help of the moonlight shining through between large gaps of the barks, twigs or even in between trees coming from the full moon, you were surprised to see that the werewolf is lunging itself towards a young man who seemed to be frozen in panic himself. His unusual pale face didn't seem as it is to you as you thought that it might've been because of his fear, making you easily shrug it off with that reason before focusing on your target. Taking out a gun from your satchel, you proceeded to aim, trying to make your shot an accurate hit of the fast moving creature on its four legs while calming your rapidly beating heart beat with its drumming echoing through your hearing senses.

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