(Akabane Karma) More Than A Request

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Requested by: riverflaw
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Possessive, overprotective, and obsessive behavior, threat, subtle manipulation, and jealousy. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it! 

Caution: Contains incorrect information about vampires and werewolves since we are not so knowledgeable when it comes to those things, so we just proceed to just write this with our imagination. We're sorry for the said information being present in this chapter.


"Y/N, can I have a word with you?" You hear your father called out that made you stop from passing through his office and turn around to look at him. 

"Of course, father." You went inside his office, feeling the warmth that was emitted by the fire that was lit up in the fireplace and your vision being met with the clean state of his office that was always the case. 

Bookshelves lined up on two walls with some cabinets beside them with his office desk right in front of the window where the night sky could be seen along with the silhouettes of the tall trees of the forest outside with its coverage protecting you from any other creatures that might be an enemy.

Your father proceeds to make his way back to his desk, lifting up a piece of paper to show it to you as he informs what it could be. "I have recently received a letter from the coven leader of the vampires, asking for us to have a peace treaty with them to completely maintain the peace between vampires and werewolves. A peace that had been disrupted from years that was slowly starting to be back again." 

This piqued your interest, wondering what had been the reason of the said peace treaty, but then you noticed the not so elated expression of his as you ask. "That's great news, but may I ask why do you look glum?"

"You see... There was one request the leader wanted for me to grant. He wanted for his son to have you as his partner, reasoning that with the soon to be leaders of the vampires and werewolves being lovers, it could tighten the bonds between and could completely make the peace." Your father solemnly said, knowing full wall that you probably won't take the news well. 

You frowned, being conflicted as you had also wanted for peace, but getting doubts with the said request as you reply. "So, you're telling me that he wanted me to have a relationship with his son, a complete stranger to me, and just expect us to get along well?"

Your father raises an index finger, silencing you and silently telling you to calm down as he further informs. "That's where my own request comes in. You will be having a stay at their castle for a month to get to know their culture and get closer to his son while after that, his son would also be visiting our own home while also understanding how things work out within here and also getting to know you more with your safety being ensured already along with his also." 

Seeing as the request is quite fair between the two rivals, you decided to inquire just for a confirmation. "With no companions?"

Your father slowly shakes his head, making you a bit disappointed, but all the more determined to make sure that this request will work out for the sake of your family and friends. "Unfortunately, he ordered to not have any companion to only focus the bond between the two of you." 

You raise a brow in question, crossing your arms across your chest as you ask again, finding the process towards peace quite tricky, but hoping that it would yield better results in the future. "Basically, each of us will act like some tour guide of some sort while forming a bond of friendship along the way first before moving on to a romantical phase in our relationship?"

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