(Sugaya Sosuke) Paint My Love

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Warnings: Possessive and obsessive behaviors, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Sosuke sighs in contentment as he finally finishes up the tenth painting of his love. Different colored splotches on his apron while some managed to smudge his face and fingers, leaving him no choice but to take a bath and clean up. Placing the new painting along with the others with the same subject, Sosuke proceeds to take a bath afterwards, not before leaving a flying kiss to the new portrait of his beloved.

It was already the next day as Koro-sensei is announcing an art activity for the whole class in which immediately caught Sugaya's attention. Perhaps he could spend some time with the one he admires, but he already knows that he only has a very slim chance to get close to you. It's not bad to dream big, right?

"Okay, class! I'll be assigning a partner for our art activity today! Draw your partner as your partner draw you! How exciting!" Koro-sensei starts to list down the names of the partners on the board.

He arranges the desks by two afterwards as the class stand by the corners of the room, letting him do his thing. All of the students are hyped of for the said activity, especially those who have a talent in the said field. Eagerly going to their partner while preparing their art materials after they decided which desks to use.

Sosuke finds himself staring at the beauty that he couldn't tire to stare long all day. The way your (length), (color) hair dances under the sunlight, making it shimmer as your already bright hues seemed to shine brighter with excitement and curiosity as to who your partner will be, since he still didn't look at the board, in which he hopes he would be your partner for a chance to be near you and to get close to you as naturally as possible.

Just like a genie of some sort that had magically granted his wish, his heart soars in happiness once he reads that you and him really are going to be partnered up with the said activity. Packing up his things, he then proceeds to go to your desk after you gesture for him to.

"Hello, Sugaya-kun! Art buddy! Kinda nervous to work with one of the most artistic classmate of mine." You greeted while you start to properly place your art materials on top of the desk.

Sosuke could feel his cheeks burning in embarrassment after knowing that you thought of him as someone good in art.

"L/N-san! You can just call me Sosuke. It's also nice to know to work with a talented individual such as yourself." Sosuke nervously chuckled while fumbling around with his own materials and manages to carefully and properly put it on top of the table.

"If I can call you by your first name, you can also call me Y/N. So... Can I go first?" You clap your hands once that made Sosuke jolt in your sudden actions.

"Huh?" Sosuke snaps out of his daze by being allured by your pretty face as you just lightly chuckle at his display, causing a small blush to form on the young boy's cheek.

"Draw you, silly. Can I go first? You can just sit back and relax. I apologize for the long time that I need to finish it, although we're going to pass it tomorrow morning so we'll have enough time to finish two today, but maybe you'll get bored or annoyed or something." You gesture a peace sign with your non dominant hand and gets a pencil with the other one.

You start to sketch on your sketch pad some lines and circle as an outline of his portrait.

"N-No, I don't mind. T-Take your time. I'm quite... excited about what the result will be." Sosuke said after taking a tiny peek at your small progress and makes sure to not move much after getting into a comfortable position, sitting properly while facing you with a small smile on his lips.

"Okay! Me too! Though I'm mostly nervous about doing it." You glance up through your sketch pad and focus back to continuing your sketch again, already managed to sketch Sosuke's eyes after a few minutes.

A comfortable silence accompanies the two of you until you finally finish up your work, but didn't let Sosuke see it, saying that you'll show it to him tomorrow where a student will show their work to their partner and vice versa.

"Looks like it's my turn." Sosuke prepares his own materials and starts sketching, only giving a small glance towards you who's giving a big smile and a peace sign.

Already memorized most of your features, he was done after half an hour as you also didn't invade his work as he agrees to show his own tomorrow.

"Okay, everyone! I forgot to announce it earlier, but when you're done, you can go home! Get some rest after a long day filled with school works, am I right? Nyurufufufu!"

The next day, each partner showed their artwork that left the others in awe at all of their hard work and immense talent that can be easily seen by their art pieces. Only one pair left as both Sosuke and you are excited and nervous to let your artworks show to the class as well as to each other.

You were the first one to show your artwork that revealed an exact replica of Sosuke himself, holding a paint brush with a bit of paint splattered on his apron and face as a grin was painted on his face with his eyes sparkling in delight that left the class speechless. You were nervous at first with their reaction, thinking that they don't like it, but it disappears as the class cheered while the subject of your art was blushing immensely at how you had depicted him in your artwork.

Sosuke slowly revealed his own artwork, you wearing a very detailed and amazing outfit that was coincidentally your favorite along with a hat with intricate details on the whole piece. Your (length), (color) hair sparkled under the sunlight as the wind softly flutters your clothing and a big smile plastered on your face as your eyes gleamed in pure happiness. As beautiful and fascinating it is, you couldn't help, but to feel a bit creeped out by it.

Not that it was not that good for you, it was very detailed and very you which is the main reason why you were unease by it, it seemed like Sosuke had memorized all of your features that you're staring at a reflection of her own self or a doppelganger of some sort. Although you hide your discomfort with a smile as your classmates continue to cheer and congratulate the two of you.

You flinch when Sosuke touches your shoulder, snapping you out from yesterday's happenings. Looking around the room, you see that the others are already going home as it was already the end of the day. Your mind was not so focused that you didn't notice the time.

"Y/N? W-Would you like me to show you some of my artworks?" Sosuke shyly asked, averting his gaze away from you as a soft blush was on his cheeks.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Wait... what did you just ask?" You finally come back to reality, but Sosuke didn't repeat his question.

Instead, he softly tugs your wrist and leads the two of you to his house. "Great! Come on, I'm quite excited to show them to you."

You kept up with his pace, tugging your wrist away from his grip, but was unfortunate as he just grips it tighter. The both of you finally reached his home, which is surprisingly not that far away. Opening the front door, Sosuke leads you to a room where all of his precious artworks are being kept in.

You were horrified after seeing the beautiful artworks made by Sosuke of herself. Every detail was finely made as you felt like your clones are surrounding you. Panic starts to rise within you, but it was too late. The artist puts his hand on your cheek as he wipes away your tears after making sure that the doors of his house are locked, rendering no escape for his love while whispering how he had been waiting for this moment.

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