(Reaper 1.0) Caring Big Brother

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Warnings: Overprotective behavior, slight bloody scene, and threat. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


From living along the grimy streets and only living off with begging on the side street either for food or money from the passersby and sometimes being a sneaky thief when the situation is very dire for you to handle, you had soon found yourself living in quite a luxurious life. It's not that the person that took you in really is very rich, but his way of living is very much richer compared to yours. Not only was he living off in quite a good state, but he was also surprisingly kind and gentle that was clearly visible through the soft expression that he always wear as his facade.

But the thing is, that was not your first impression about him, which is far more opposite than what he is now. You see, your encounter with the gentleman was quite a surprising one, but not so unusual. You were almost unconscious and in dire need of some nutrition, but this was one of those days where you are very unlucky to not able to acquire a single coin or even a small portion of food from the people passing by your location. But luck had slowly revealed itself when you found yourself still having enough energy that you had forced upon yourself to try and sneak some money from a drunkard that managed to stumble to the same alleyway you are in.

Just by looking at the quite fancy outfit of the drunkard, which you found is unusual since most of the drunkards you mostly had witnessed are either not that fancy to be slumped by the side of the street or beside a building beside an alleyway, you immediately concluded that he might have some decent amount of money somewhere hidden inside his wallet and you could even make money out of the watch and other valuable accessories he might have. And without wasting any time when he luckily went fast asleep after leaning his side beside a garbage can, you immediately went into action.

But all of your planned actions and attacks to the unconscious figure came to an abrupt stop when crimson suddenly sprayed from the body, filling your vision with the same hue that also holds a rustic scent that made you immediately discern what it could be. The liquid of blood trickled down from the newly opened wound that was a slash on his neck and to his now dirtied and bloody clothes. Along with the man unconsciously releasing his last breath, you had also unknowingly release a small gasp in surprise and fear.

What could be the cause of the man's sudden death? Just by the thought of how easy and fast his death was suddenly delivered to him made your stomach churn at the possibility of your own demise. Your adrenaline rush start to kick in that made you luckily dodge a dagger flying towards you that was supposed to aim at the center of your forehead. You immediately dart your gaze to wherever it had come from to see a tall figure that towered in front of you with the corpse of the man hidden behind him, being blocked behind his form.

Your eyes raked along his overall physique that were only able to clearly see his shadow colored clothing when a lightning suddenly strikes just enough for you to momentarily stare to his lackluster eyes that was devoid of emotions, not until he was able to see your fear filled eyes since it is also the same time his gaze turns soft, but you were unaware of it. Having the thought that this might be the last day that you'll live, you decided that you won't die without a fight.

With the remaining strength along with your adrenaline and hiding away your fear for a moment, you blindly attack on the killer with a pocket knife that you always bring with you in case of some emergency and this situation really is much considered more than that for your life might be on the line for this. You knew that escaping from this man might be futile as what you had just witnessed moments prior and so, with a hope of knocking him out or even finding the right time to escape, you continue on with your onslaught.

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