(Reaper 1.0) Super Creature

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Warnings: Deaths, murders, killer, slight bloody scenes, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You received a call from the higher ups, saying that a dangerous creature had been managed to be captured from escaping a laboratory of a fellow scientist and is being delivered to your own laboratory since its security is more reliable than the last and it has one of the best scientists in the country, none other than yourself. You have been a bit familiar with the creature himself, seeing as you visited Yanagisawa's facility once or twice. Your stay there was bearable with his assistant slash fiancée around. The two of you became close friends right after your meeting and after that, you were introduced to Yanagisawa's guinea pig.

And speaking of Aguri, she has met her unfortunate demise during the incident that's why you were a bit hesitant to accept the creature since your emotions is going haywire at the moment after hearing your friend's death that it might affect with your job, but it seems like it was too late to oppose with the higher ups decision. The sound of hurried steps approaching your office snaps you out of your thoughts about the call as you face the entrance of your office where your young assistant, Maka, is trying to regain her breathing while holding by the wall for support.

"L/N-sama! The creature will be here shortly. Please be careful when you're near it since he's a dangerous one so far. He easily---" She immediately informed after she recovered.

"Easily wiped out Yanagisawa's entire facility, leaving no one alive and the building itself was in destruction." You cut her off as you finish drinking your coffee.

It was already evening, but it's not that late yet. Even so, with you keeping yourself busy for the past few days with the additional data about your fellow scientist's experiment made your sleep deprived and so, a coffee is what you needed to continue staying awake.

Especially this time since Yanagasiwa's guinea pig will be arriving soon enough and the head of the facility, which is yourself, needs to be alert. Maka nods with admiration glowing in her eyes as she stares at the scientist in front of her, wanting to be like her when the time is right. The two of you were later notified that the said creature had arrived in the facility, currently kept in a sealed glass room that was just like where he was being kept from before but the glass is thicker and two guards are guarding him.

Since you already know what Yanagisawa is experimenting because you got bored one time and decided to ask the nearby facility what they'd been up to that led to you being friends with Aguri, you managed to make a reverse vaccine of the specimen where instead of him continuing growing or his body forming into tentacles, it reverse a bit where he's still in his huma form with some evidence of his transformation still left. Just like a small part of his physical form is still made with tentacles.

Questions buzzed around your mind. If he's a super creature then how did the people who brought him to your facility managed to capture him in the first place? Was it just luck that they managed even though the creature's speed is no match for an average human, let alone he's a former, talented assassin? The two guards nodded at you in which you returned. You swipe your card as the giant metal door slides open. You step inside the room where the creature was being kept in. Weapons were prepared to shoot in case he'll do something to you.

"Well, if it isn't Doctor L/N. It's so nice to see you again. How are you today?" You ignored his question and stands in front of his figure with the thick, glass wall encasing them.

Your question that keeps returning was temporarily forgotten as it was replaced by something about the person that was once dear to you. "I'm not a doctor and I want you to answer my question truthfully. What caused her death?"

"Who?" The former Reaper tilts his head as some of his tentacles starts to float around that seemed to be in a happy mood, if they ever feel emotions.

"Aguri. Were you the one who killed her?" You hope that he denies and his answer will be the truth since even though you had already asked the details of the incident to the higher ups, you were still left in the dark and the only person you could properly ask for what really happened stands in front of you.

"Yukimura Aguri? She died because of the activated weapon Yanagisawa made." A small frown was set upon his features and he starts to feel a small wave of sadness, knowing that you are affected by her death.

But it quickly dissipated since it'll be a good chance for you to be with him while you grieve. You relax after hearing his answer, but one of your questions was only answered, the rest are awaiting for theirs.

"Why did you destroy Yanagisawa's facility? Aguri told me that you had already changed for the better. It seems like you haven't changed that much from your former and more human self." You remarked, but your question was remained unanswered.

"Now's not the right time for me to answer that, but the time is drawing near. Don't worry about it too much. Aren't you glad that I'm here?" The Reaper asked with his arms open, wanting for an embrace.

"L/N-sama, time's up. The data that you had requested for the new experiment has finally arrived." Maka's voice resonated throughout the room through the speaker beside the security camera since she was the one assigned to keep an eye on the meet up.

"I'm afraid I need to cut our meeting short since I still have some things to take care of. See you tomorrow, Reaper-san." You give a final nod before leaving the room, not having the chance to see the menacing glare that the Reaper sent to the security camera in the room, quite annoyed that his time with you was a short one.

The next day, you came back to his room to resume asking some questions. The Reaper's tentacles start to poke your face as you gesture for the guards to calm down in which they reluctantly agreed and put down their weapons.

"Why are you even here? With your superhuman abilities, you could easily escape when you were being captured so... why?" You asked, ignoring the tentacles.

"You. I'm here to get you." You were quite surprised at his answer, but decided to not further ask about it and after a few minutes, you start to leave after acquiring the needed data from him.

"And because of you... I've learned to love something other than my former occupation. Your full attention is, unfortunately, not on me. Luckily, I already have a plan in mind." He softly spoks, watching your retreating figure.

Not long after, the time finally arrived for him to put his plan into action. The entire institution fell apart that only leaves two survivors behind, a certain (color) haired scientist and the super creature.

"W-Why?" You asked with tears streaming down your face, looking at the destroyed building that was like a home to you.

"Y-You... You monster! Why did you destroy it?! Why did you kill her?!" You screamed out in pain of your loss.

"I need to destroy the facility so that you'll only be focusing on me. The admiration she felt towards you is annoying and frustrating. I'm the only one who should admire you deeply and, of course, you should return it. For that to happen, we should isolate ourselves away from others so that you'll be focused on me and me alone."

This was the very first time that you were able to feel fear again, since death really is inevitable in your job and your fear of it disappeared, overpowered by your passion of your work to become the greatest scientist of all time. Driven by both guilt and fear, you had no choice but to be with the Reaper for the rest of your life. Until the present day, no one managed to know where the scientist was being hidden if you were still alive as it seemed like both you and the super creature disappeared completely without a trace.

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