(Terasaka Ryoma) Underestimating

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Warnings: Manipulation, isolation, violence, possessiveness, over protectiveness, and obsessiveness. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Looping the needle to stitch both clothes into one to make it longer, your trembling fingers managed to add another sheet enough to hopefully support your figure when you will finally use it as a means to escape. Securing the thread to ensure that it won't instantly break, you then tested its strength through pulling both ends. You sighed after seeing that it managed to hold onto each other quite well as the gentle breeze of the cold night eased your tiredness somewhat. The opened window you are sitting beside at had given you such privilege that you also planned to be the exit you would go through once you will be done with the makeshift rope.

Hues of purple and blue scattered on the horizon as you observed the quiet environment in peace. You can hear the house staff busying about just outside the locked door of your room, also guarding you in a way. Their boss has yet to come home and you have grown familiar with his pattern of absence. This led you to easily make a smooth progress with your creation as you can only sigh before looking down at the grassy ground below. Due to how many times you have done this, you are hesitant to check if whether or not this would be enough. Checking the time through the wall clock, you sighed in relief upon seeing the available and limited time for you.

You immediately let the connected sheets be lowered down the window, checking its length alone and worrying about your support for it when it's sufficient enough of its height. Carefully gripping it, you take a peek at where it ends on the other side that left you to frown upon seeing that you're just reaching halfway of the house you're forced to live in. Feeling concerned that your progress is still not enough and getting frustrated as your desire to get out of here increases every day, you tightly gripped the cloth before hastily pulling it up. You carefully fold it, laying it on the floor before letting the long line of cloth get smaller after bunching it up in piled portions.

Blankly staring at the now folded cloth that is almost as thick as your fluffy pillow, you debated whether or not to continue with making it longer. Glancing at the clock once more made you reach a decision not to risk it, sighing before hiding everything away while he is still not here. The extra sheets that you managed to store from your visit to the laundry room when no one is guarding it had been organized well underneath your pile of clothing. Your makeshift rope is well hidden under your more private clothes, certain that no one would rummage through it, especially him after insisting many times that he's a gentleman no matter his reputation.

It seemed that your decision was the right choice as you felt goosebumps throughout your figure after sensing his presence drawing near. Soon enough, a muffled footsteps that seemed to make an approach with how the volume gradually increased reached your hearing. You breath out a shaky sigh, which is either out of relief from just cleaning everything up at the right moment or from being nervous with seeing him again. You await the inevitable with bated breath, sitting still on the bed while watching the door move about with him unlocking the many locks from the outside. When it finally swung open, you forced yourself to not glare at him.

Terasaka cleared his throat after recovering from his inner relief when seeing you still present inside your room, unconsciously rubbing the back of his nape though remaining to gaze straight at you while he offered a thinly width box after he entered. "Hey, uh... I bought this necklace. Thought that it'll look good on you."

"Thank you... Would you mind putting it on for me?" You requested politely, knowing full well that he would be dazedly charmed whenever you are behaving properly, that's proven correct when he was left subtly flustered before hiding his mildly reddened cheeks behind a faux cough.

Gently taking the necklace from its container, you hid your amazement with how beautifully elegant yet simple its design is. It also matched your preferences that made you undoubtedly warm with how he seemed to know such details through being observant and taking in any details you may have casually shared in the past. Requesting for you to turn around, you have done so to appease him, facing your reflection as he carefully secures the jewelry to its owner. Distracted by the kind gesture and also feeling emotional, you subtly smiled while looking at the mirror. You didn't even mind how close soon was, though you became wary not a second later.

Despite you trying to hide how you seemed to be accepting of his gift, the moment of your vulnerability was enough to reassure him that you had been fond before he gently holds you by the waist while taking in the both of you through the mirror. "You look wonderful... by my side too."

You gasped after feeling his secure grip upon you, understanding your wariness earlier before nervously glancing at him to see him shaking his head while looking at your reflection in disappointment. "I'm no fool, Y/N. Before you think of escapin', decide first if you wanna be chained up or not."

Memories of when he first brought you here during your far more stubborn and feisty self clearly made some protests and him showing the respective consequences of your actions caused your breath to falter before you hesitantly asked when you regained your senses. "What are you talking about...?"

Tanaka only frowned before tutting as his gaze narrowed before personally meeting your eyes, looking down upon you as his towering height only added to his intimidation before he sarcastically reminded you. "Some sheets are gone? Some sewing items too? And this?"

You winced when you felt your wrist being grasped by his calloused hand, nervously viewing his own observance of your hand filled with some small punctured wounds and occasional scratches. Whether or not you're quite knowledgeable when it comes to your secret hobby, your nerves acting up and your alertness only served as a hindrance at some times that led you to acquire such results. Terasaka eased his grip to not cause any further discomfort, gently murmuring his apologies before he's being carried away by his temper. To avoid accidentally including you with it, he grumbled something inaudible before pinching the bridge of his nose.

Terasaka then sighed after inspecting your palm and fingers, gently grazing his own fingertips carefully upon some wounds before his anger and frustration turned to concern after seeing your state and furthermore by your worried gaze. "I'm not mad anymore... but I'm not a saint to be very patient either.  Don't test it. Don't try to test me further."

"I won't continue with it... I'm sorry. Just, don't chain me up, please..." You hastily pleaded to clearly present how desperate you really are, and to hopefully gain his mercy to not put you through something horrible again as you're already starting to panic that caused your labored breathing.

Terasaka was undeniably hurt by your reaction, knowing that his actions in the past just to ensure that you would be forced to stay with him and him hoping that you would slowly get accustomed to your new life remained to be just a wish of his as he decided to gently inform you. "I trust you, but just makin' sure... Tell me where are you hiding it..."

You adamantly shake your head in disagreement, silently pleading for him to just leave you be by gently pushing him away. The trauma from him reminding you of your former consequences caused you to be physically exhausted as well, adding to the expressed effort in your work. Noticing this, Terasaka decided to not push you much, afraid of what might happen and instead opted to comfort you. Carefully picking you up, he then gently makes you sit on the bed as you didn't protest. He offers a reassuring presence, hopefully to soothe you through giving you a hug, wishing that you would stop underestimating how much he had changed for you as well.

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