(Reaper 1.0) I Need Your Love Before I Fall

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Warnings: Manipulation, slight mention of murder, death, and suicide attempt. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The view of the city before you was captivating. The full moon shines upon the buildings with the clouds outstretched into the sky that only covers the stars, making the buildings glitter along with the street lights after the moonlight touches its glassy surface. The night was already deep and the wind has grown colder since then, whipping against your face as you stare at the barren street below the rooftop. Your heart starts to beat quicker than its normal pace, both nervousness and excitement running through your veins.

'This is it, I'm finally going to be gone.' A smile starts to tug upon your lips, but tears start to build up in your eyes.

You take a step closer to the edge of the rooftop, until your right foot sits on top of the ledge. The sound of footsteps behind you was blocked by the howling wind.

"It'll be such a shame for a beauty like yourself to waste their life." Someone spoke loud and clear enough from behind, making you glance towards the person.

His lackluster eyes were a bit covered by his black hair and a soft smile on his face that matches the way he spoke earlier. "You saved mine and I'll repay it by saving yours."

"Save you?" You tilt your head after fully facing the man, searching through your memory and trying to recall what the man had said.

The man was relieved when he managed to divert your attention and hopefully, he'll manage to prevent you from jumping over the rooftop. "You don't remember? I think it happened last month. It happened at the same time as now, the things that's different are the place and weather. It was raining and you happen to pass by an alleyway and found an unconscious man with blood dripping from his head, mixing with the raindrops that formed a puddle on the street."

The vague image of the man's description came to your mind, recognizing what he had meant as a soft smile appears upon your angelic face that seems to glow under the moonlight. "You were that man? Well, I'm glad that you're fine. It was nice seeing you again, but I'm afraid this will be our last meeting since I'm going to---"

Your eyes widen as warmth covered your being while the man tightens his hug, but not too much to bring discomfort to you. "You're wrong. You don't want to die. You just wanted to be understood. You've been helping a lot of people that you forgot to help yourself."

You blink in surprise. 'When did he...?' Your eyes become a bit glassy looking caused by the tears that build up.

"Lean on me." The man slowly retracts from the hug while putting his hands on top of each of your shoulders, his gaze and actions are giving you a sense of security and comfort even though he's basically a stranger to you.

"What?" You return his stare with tears flowing from your eyes, making it look like its sparkling.

"Lean on me. Share your problems with me. Let me be there for you. You've been drowned with your bottled up emotions that made you think that dying will be the only solution."

You frown. "Why?" You look down, finding some interest on the cemented rooftop. Your tears continue to flow and that's when he decided to make his request, hoping that you'll accept it for the easy way and for him to not deal it the hard way.

"Live with me." He didn't give any answer to your question, but stated a request again.

"Why are you doing this?" You abruptly look up at his sudden request.

The look in his eyes screams that it was an order, but it instantly disappears and was reverted back to its soft ones. "You caught my interest. We have many things in common. I admire your bravery and everything about you."

He gives a close eyed smile as you felt a bit weird, instead of being afraid or creeped out by his statement, you were quite glad that someone wants to help you. A bit surprising that it was the greatest assassin.

"You sound like you've been stalking me since you suddenly disappeared after I treated you." You force out a small laugh and it was enough for the man to feel happy. He was silent as he continues to stare at your happy expression and even it was temporary, he'll make sure that you'll spend the rest of her life in happiness together with him. "Does your silence mean yes?"

"You're not... creeped out by it?" He tilts his head in confusion, happiness surged within him when knowing that you're not pushing him away after finding it out. "Maybe, but should I be? I don't actually care about anything at this point." You wrap her arms around his waist, stuffing your face on his chest. "Please take care of me." He still managed to understand what you had said. He returns the hug while softly patting your head to comfort you.

All throughout the days when you started living with him, everything went smoothly as he had planned. He may or may not have taken advantage of your depression and emotional vulnerability. You had been depending on him, feeling safe, secured, cared for and loved at the same time. That's why when you found something bad had happened to your stepfather, the person who's the reason for you being depressed, you didn't care.

You focused on the ongoing news about a victim being brutally murdered yesterday night. You didn't need to put two and two together since you already knew who had possibly done it and that person is currently awaiting for your reaction. You turn your head to face the man that's sitting beside you who's already starting to regret being distracted with you that he didn't manage to change the channel.

"Y/N, I can explain. He was the reason for your misery. I needed to do something about it and I did." He slowly puts his hand on top of yours, afraid that you might lash out any moment. "It's fine." You squeezes his hand reassuringly after you faced your palm upwards. A grin creeps its way to your mouth as you enjoyed the panic dancing on his face for a short moment that disappeared and was replaced by confusion. "Wait... it's fine?"

"I also know that you're an assassin. It's actually quite obvious." You reveal nonchalantly. He softly chuckles while rubbing his nape with his free hand. "Why did you accept my request if you've known that I'm a murderer?" He asks, looking directly at you. "Like I said from before, I don't really care anymore. I just want to thank you. For being there with me." You spreads your arms, an invitation for an embrace which was immediately accepted.

"Just stay here by my side and you'll always be safe." He softly whispered that caused his breath to fan and tickle your skin a little. His grip around you securely tightens as you nodded your head in agreement. "I will." You respond, failing to notice the crazed grin he wore as he knew that his plan was finally fruitful.

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