(Akabane Karma) Within A New World

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Requested by: SaraTatiana5
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Possessive behavior, and threat. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You release a relieved sigh, craning your neck in a much comfortable position than just lowering to stare at your notes and answering your homeworks for the past few hours you have been doing while also stretching out your arms and legs from being in the same position to release it from their stiff that's also mixed with numb state. You looked at the neatly stacked notebooks along with some pieces of strayed papers and pens lying around your desk, proudly smiling to yourself at your new achievement of just finishing all of your assignments in just three hours which gave you much time left to be spent on just playing.

A new game had just been released and being quite a passionate individual when it comes to playing games on any devices it might be available, you're quite excited and prepared to be one of its new players. And so, making sure that you have no other homeworks left that needs to be tended to, you proceeded to take out your laptop from its bag before carefully plopping yourself on your bed and making yourself comfortable. Once the screen of the device lights up and reveals your home screen, you immediately navigated the cursor through the different applications easily viewed on the desktop before clicking on the game.

It was newly installed a moment before you started focusing on homework that gave you motivation to quickly finish to finally start the game. Speaking of the game, it's already finished of its loading phase as you are now being proceeded to customize your character's appearance and choosing a valid weapon of yours. Quickly doing those and clicking away any policies and other rules being shown after having a short read of it all, you're finally starting off with the first phase of the game which was quite filled with some minor tutorials of the needed buttons and other things you must do to improve your level.

After two hours of playing and being too focused with the game, you had finally encountered the villain and seeing as you deemed you had enough power and weapon upgrade to defeat the enemy, you immediately went to battle against the villain to finally bring a good end to the game. As you are playing, your mind began to think of which classmates of yours might resemble any of the characters of the story of the game, since it also tells a story of the hero, which is the player, and after observing the villain half way through the fight, you start to think. 'It would definitely be Karma-kun. His personality really matches with the villain's in this game.'

Your gaze soon landed to the battery level icon of your laptop that made you immediately scramble away, making your way towards where you had remembered putting it. Finding it, you instantly let plugged it in on the electric socket near the side of your bed and connected it to the laptop before you make yourself comfortable again by leaning your back on the headboard of your bed before continuing on with your game where it shows a new continuation of the narration of the story where the villain is declining the your character's request to change before they talk about what had led the villain to who he is now.

Your focus with reading their dialogues was broken away when you suddenly found yourself just staring blankly at the black screen of your laptop, realizing that the device had suddenly turned itself off without any warning of some sort. This made you confused before you made a double check with the charger, finding it in a good condition and correctly connected from the socket to the laptop that made you more confused about what really is the reason of the sudden shutting down of your device. Just making sure, you decided to unplug the charger before plugging it back again.

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