(Horibe Itona) Dearest Husband Part II

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Warnings: Death, murder, mention of violence, jealousy, overprotective and possessive behavior, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"I can't believe it's only a month away before the baby is due. Time really flies fast. Are you excited, Itona?" You look up to your husband as the two of you are currently occupying the sofa in the living room of your house.

One of his arms wrapped around your shoulder as you snuggled at the same time also hugging him. Itona gives a small, rare and genuine smile at you, your happiness and excitement reflected in him. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I wonder if Karma and the others are also excited. It's been months since we last saw them, especially Karma who seemed to vanish out of thin air. Not replying to my texts and answering my calls. I'll beat him up real good for worrying me once I see him again. Both mom and dad are still overseas and busy with some things." You gingerly frown, missing seeing your mischievous brother.

Itona softly rubs your shoulder as a comforting gesture. "Everything is already prepared when our baby will be born. Let's just focus on our own family, okay? I'm sure the others are okay with themselves, especially your brother that is probably just busy with his work."

"You're right. I should not worry and stress over some things too much since it's not good for the baby. Thank you, Itona." You sigh, turning your gaze back at him again.

You give a small grin as he softly pats your head with his unoccupied hand, kissing your forehead afterwards. "No problem. I'll leave you for some time. If you need me, I'm at the garage."

As much as he didn't want to leave your side, he still have some important things to do. Just as your husband had left you alone in the living room with only the ongoing show on the television as your form of entertainment, three hurried knocks came from the front door as you were quite curious on what or who it could be as you or Itona are not expecting a visitor.

Deciding to check who it may be first before calling out to your husband, you made your way towards the door and open it to reveal a certain friend of yours that you haven't seen much in the past few months. "Sugino-kun? It's been so long! How are you?"

Your eyes reverts back to its normal sizes after it were widened due to your surprise to see Sugino, the smile that you wore earlier when you greeted him slowly disappeared when he didn't return it, but was returned with a serious look instead.

"Y/N... Is your husband home?" He whispered, darting his gaze inside and seem to hide himself from being seen if Itona really is inside with you, using the door that was partially open as you just left it ajar that was enough for you to take a peek through it.

You nod. "Yeah, he's out in the garage right now. I can get him if you---"

You proceed to leave, but stopped when Sugino holds your wrist as he seems to be in panic. "No! It's fine! I'm actually here to help you escape. It's the least I could do after both Nagisa and Karma risked their lives for his selfish reasons."

You face him back again, confused at his statement. "What...?"

"There's no much time. I'll explain as we go, okay? Just please, come along with me. I'll take you somewhere safe and your parents are already waiting for you." Sugino slowly and quietly opens the door as he softly tugs you along with him.

You hesitated to follow, but did it nonetheless as the two of you made your way to his car. "Sugino-kun... I wish to know what you know and why are we getting away from Itona?"

Getting inside his car and occupying the driver seat after he opens the car door leading passenger seat for you, he starts to tell the tale while turning on the engine of the car. "About two months ago, Itona was the one behind Karma's disappearance."

Your eyes widen at this information as you cover a hand over your mouth while the car began to move forward and away from your house as Sugino hoped that he'll have enough time. "What! Karma has been missing all those times?!"

"He also tried to beat me up probably until I die, but he failed since Nagisa managed to save me just in time and he immediately left. After that, Nagisa immediately rushed to your house to warn you about your husband after he ensured my safety, but he didn't expect to meet Itona first before you. As solemn as it is... I think both he and Karma faced the same fate..."

You shake your head, getting a bit difficult to accept and digest everything he had said. "Are they...? No... It can't be... Itona... No..."

"We're almost---gah!" Sugino knows that Itona would search for you and hunt anyone that tries to take you away from him, but he didn't expect to be caught sooner!

Not when you were almost there! Smoke began to fill inside the vehicle as the two of you start to cough up.

Sugino immediately parks on the side of the street to avoid any harm and danger to the two of you as he already knew that this is a dead end for your little escape. "What was... that...?"

Your consciousness slips as you fall into a slumber when you and your companion inhaled the sleeping gas that shot by Itona who was able to catch up to your vehicle. The car stops, bumping on a sturdy tree trunk on the side of the street as it luckily didn't cause any damage to the two people inside it and only a dent on its surface on where the impact had been. Itona carefully laid out your sleeping form in the backseat as he drives off back to your house.

Itona goes back to the accident site and was relieved when it was in the same state as it was before as no one responded to the accident yet. He gets out Sugino's unconscious form and also gets him inside his car and goes to an unknown place. Getting back to his house, you were slowly starting to stir awake as he stood a few distance away from the bed.

Finally gaining consciousness again, you glared at him as you wasted no time and throws a question at him. "Itona! Is it true? That you were the one behind Nagisa and Karma's disappearance? Tell me the truth!"

Getting frustrated at what had happened, he couldn't help, but to raise his voice a little bit as he answers. "They were trying to take you away from me! What do you think I should've done? Let them be?"

"Where... What happened to them...?" Tears began to flow freely from its confinement as you maintained your stoic expression, awaiting his answer.

You were quite nervous about it as you hoped that it isn't what you negatively think it would be. "They're still alive, if that's what you are worried about."

"Thank goodness... What about Sugino-kun? Where is he?" You narrowed your eyes at your husband as he answers.

"He's with the two." Hiccups and small sobs still escaped your lips, making it difficult for you to properly breath.

Itona's gaze at your form was filled with concern as his eyes began to water up. "Y/N, calm down. You're being stressed out too much. It's not good for the both of you."

"This is your fault! You are too selfish and always letting your jealousy get in the way! Can't you see that you are my husband? You're the one I love and choose to be with, Itona! So please... Just let them go. Make ammends with them and promise to not let this situation happen again... When you do that, that's the time where everything will be back to normal. Please... Do it for me? For us..."

Seeing you in such a state, his heart tightened as regret starts to eat up his being. He blinks as he let the tears flow down from his golden hues as he slowly made his way towards your trembling form, crying as you do so. He gently wraps both of his arms around you, relishing in the comfort and warmth you brought to him as he whispers that he promises to control his jealousy and possessiveness towards you.

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