(Horibe Itona) Dearest Husband Part I

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Warnings: Jealousy, overprotective and possessive behavior, abduction, and slight mention of violence. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Itona, cuddle with me? You've been busy doing the household chores all day and you're also stubborn about it, not letting me help with it even though I can. Let me help you." You make your way towards your husband who had just finished washing the dishes.

He gives a blank stare at you as you understood his answer to most of your statements. "If your answer is still no, then at least take a break and call it a day, will you? The baby wants to be with dad."

You softly tug and pull his hand, then stopped when he nodded that made you let go. "Which baby?"

He gives a small smile in amusement when you gave a small pout, tugging his arm by interlocking yours with his before making your way towards the living room where soft cushions and blanket already placed on each end of the sofa are waiting. "The two of us! So come on now."

Halfway through the peaceful moment between you two which was loved by Itona, you remembered the contents of the message your brother sent you a while ago. "By the way, I got something to tell you. Karma, Nagisa and Sugino will be here tomorrow, saying that they wanted to have some bonding time with us since it's been so long since we last had a fun time altogether."

"It's fine since I'll also be there." Itona frowned that disappeared for the next second.

You tap your chin and snapped your fingers when you realized why he'll stay at home all day tomorrow. "Oh, right. It's a weekend tomorrow. Before they arrive, let's get some groceries to prepare for lunch."

He nods, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before placing a gentle rub on your belly. "Sounds good to me."


"You're craving for that one now? Didn't you just have some for breakfast?" Your husband deadpans when he sees what you had ordered that will leave a weird taste to him, but not to you as you joyously consume it.

You speak after gulping down the strange food that was managed to be made by a woman who's managing the shop that you went to. "Like you said, I'm craving it and the baby likes it too, you know."

You were startled when he suddenly wrapped an arm around your waste, pulling you closer to him as his grip on the grocery bag carried slightly tightens.

You followed his narrowed gaze to see a young couple hastily walking away and out of the view of you two. "He's with his girlfriend, actually. Didn't you notice? Though I'll admit, you're quite cute when you're like that."

Arriving back at your house, Itona leads to the sofa as you gratefully take a seat as he goes to make lunch and sort out the groceries bought.

After half an hour had passed, someone rang the doorbell as you stand up and approach the front door, waving a hand at your worried husband to reassure him. "Guess they're here already. I'll go and let them inside."

Opening the door, you were greeted by your brother with his signature smirk and grins afterwards that made his canine teeth visible. "Oh, if it isn't my sweet little sister. How are you and your married and soon to be parent's life?"

"Karma! I'm glad you decided to visit. Nagisa and Sugino, too! I've missed you all. Come in. Lunch will be ready in a few minutes."


For the rest of the meal, conversation here and there were made with Itona having the least participation in it. He was in a bad mood when he noticed that you were showering them with your attention and all that left him with nothing. Though he may be overreacting, but he couldn't help it. And besides, it's normal for a husband to be jealous of those people that received his wife's attention, and needy for the same thing, right?

"Don't forget to hang out with the boys sometimes, Itona. You're more than welcome to join!" Sugino called out that made him snap out of his rushing thoughts, finally noticed that their visit had finally come to an end.

Nagisa said his goodbyes next, waving at the two of you and slightly bows in gratitude. "Bye, Y/N and Itona. Thank you for letting us visit."

"Speaking of visit, I'll come over tomorrow again to check up on you, okay? Bye, little sis." Karma gently pats your head, catching up after the two afterwards.

Itona just gave a small wave while you exclaim your goodbye with a smile. "Bye, big bro, Nagisa, and Sugino. Be safe on your way home, alright? See you tomorrow big bro and thank you for visiting!"

Karma is going to visit tomorrow, again? Isn't a seldom visit enough? He just did it now and he'll come back again tomorrow? To what? Steal your time again, that's supposed to be spent with the two of you alone? These thoughts ran in circles like a carousel inside his mind, in which he was not certain why. Was it because of his past experiences with not so good at controlling his anger? Were they... going to take you away from him? No, that can't be, right?

For all the years he had spent to gain your love and affection without his anger issues getting in the way just going to be thrown easily just like that?! No! He needed a plan that will not lead to him being blinded by anger and jealousy, but it was already too late as his thoughts keep spinning on killing and marking fear towards the three who dared to disturb your peace and alone time together. That's right, they'll pay for that with their own lives.


"Big Bro is still not here? He's already an hour late and he's not replying to my texts either. That's quite unusual about him. No, it's very unusual. What happened to him?" You were getting nervous and worried, resulting in you executing the actions, gestures, or movements when you are feeling such emotions.

"Maybe his phone is in low battery? Or there might be an urgent call for him in his job and he got busy with it? Whatever the reason is, don't worry too much about it. It's not good for you two."

You stopped and contemplated for a moment of what Itona had said, nodding in understanding. "Maybe you're right. I'll just go and take a nap, okay?"

You went to your shared bedroom after giving him a kiss on his cheek as a thank you. Meanwhile, a certain blue haired friend of yours is making his way towards your house in a fast paced manner as if he had something urgent to tell you that cannot be told through text and that's actually the case. Beads of sweat glistened under the dawning sun as he continues to run past through his fellow pedestrians as your house is luckily just a few distance away. He ignores his aching legs and feet as he takes a deep breath before knocking on the front door when he had finally arrived.

Right after Karma was going silent with communication because he didn't pick up his calls and answered his texts, he went to his house to check up on him after he got a confirmation from his colleague that he didn't go to work. Concluding that Karma went missing when he found no signs of him in his residence, he was caught on another surprise next. He found Sugino bruised and bloodied and seemed to be on a brink of death as he immediately called an ambulance that fortunately arrived just in time as Sugino tells him a name that made him fear it.

His eyes widen in surprise when someone he was hoping not to meet first before he brings the news to you opens the door for him. Itona narrowed his eyes dangerously at Nagisa, meeting his bright azure ones filled with determination, with his own golden hues filled with contempt, already knowing what Nagisa is about to do and he'll not let him succeed. You were still sound asleep, unaware of the unpleasant events happening in the living room that resulted with Itona having to drag down another person towards the basement where your brother is already at, tied up and covered in bruises.

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