(Shiota Nagisa) Needed Comfort

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Warnings: Jealousy, possessive and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


It was almost two hours, the said duration a proof of the possible absence of your lover despite you trying to wait for an arrival. You ignored the pitied glances some of the customers and even the waiters had thrown about in your direction whenever you could feel it, but you've soon reached your limit. The food that you had ordered after being approached by your waiter for the third time to get your order had already gone cold awhile ago as the same waiter was kind and understanding enough of your situation let it be packed for you to take it out instead. With two packs of food, you left the establishment seeming to be burdened.

You were undeniably surprised that you've managed to not get too emotional within the public, getting yourself together while unknowingly tightening your grip on the food packs. The faces of the people passing by seeming to be a blur to you, too focused on your ongoing problem and questioning as to why your lover didn't even bother to inform you of the absence, stopping your walking for a moment when the entrance of the park comes to view. Not letting yourself be affected with the positivity the location held, you decided to take a break at a nearby bench while furiously typing away on your phone afterwards.

The older messages you sent remained unread, letting your concern grow, but the frustration overpowered it. You've also tried to call your supposed companion earlier for a couple of times, but it remained unanswered to whoever you were trying to reach out. Wanting to try once more just in case, your trembling hand soon placed your device nearby your ear, being met with the sound of ringing. You waited with bated breath, heartbeat picking up when the ringing continued with no answer from the other line. The automated voice informing you that the person cannot be contacted snapped you out of your trying.

You stopped yourself from suddenly throwing your phone caused by anger, reminding yourself that it held no fault in your situation before you placed it back to its former location. Picking up the food packs once more, you let yourself wander somewhere that you unknowingly yearn for, being blinded by your embarrassment and agitation that your thoughts are left out of place during your journey, letting your instinctive actions drag you. The familiar place as you continue with your simple travel didn't seem to be noticed by you, letting your gaze be pinned straight forward only and not to the nearby buildings.

You questioned yourself why you suddenly stopped, mentally wondering before you finally look around your surroundings to see where your legs had directed you to. The neighborhood held a serene atmosphere to it, being filled with an occasional laughter and scolding coming from the residents within their own abode in which the noises managed to escape either through the opened windows or doors. Your mood was subtly positively affected by it, letting a small smile be present on your lips as you finally realized where you are. You've visited the area countless of times and the easy navigation to your friend's house was done.

It undeniably brought you comfort, eager to bask within the presence of your close friend that had been there for you through thick and thin and with your situation, his presence is thoroughly needed and you are relieved and glad to have him now. Though you remained skeptical whether he's currently inside, hand stopping mid air from knocking on his front door since if he really is not around, your trip would be for nothing and that you would be left even more embarrassed if it would be the case. Your negative thoughts were swept away when you heard some muffle noises inside the house.

This caused you to call out to your friend for a confirmation that it really is him inside and not some burglar that managed to target his abode. Hearing Nagisa's surprised response of calling your name in return, you were further relieved to know that he really is just a distance away from you. Informing him that you would want to spend some time together without letting your voice falter after being emotionally affected by your earlier situation, you patiently waited for him to finish his task before he would be able to let you inside, knowing about it through his own response as you're preparing yourself to share your experience.

You felt a tad bit guilty for confiding him through your tough times, but remembering his beaming features as he comforted you in the past left you hopeful that he would be the same now. Reminiscing his reassuring words that he would always be there for you washed away your own worries in telling him your situation before you soon snapped out of your thinking when the front door finally opens.

"Y/N! I'm lucky that I was just cleaning up. Not really good to have my surprise visitor see such a mess, you know? Come in!" Nagisa exclaimed, dropping a joke before gesturing for you to get inside after he opened the door further.

You remained unaware with the possible hidden meaning of his joke, appreciating him trying to lift up your mood after you noticed him concernedly gazing at your clear distress present in your own features that you've managed to unknowingly slip. Wanting to also take part in making a jolly atmosphere, you happily showed him the food packs you've been carrying, offering him to a meal as he soon heats it up. As you waited, your jolly facade crumbled when Nagisa remained worried with your own concerns. Reassuring that there's still time for the two of you to converse about whatever it could have been, you gave in.

Letting the humming sound coming from the microwave overpowered the silence that had ensued after his question, you soon started. You're still upset and angered that as you shared your situation with Nagisa, getting yourself even just a bit comfortable as he occasionally rubs your back for comfort. As you reminisced the quite embarrassing situation and the hurtful truth that your lover possibly did not care about you anymore, you were driven by your emotions. The words seemed to have been stuck as tears started to cover and make your vision be blurred. Offering you a hug, you immediately accepted it.

Your storytelling turned into one of complaining and recounting what you could have done wrong during your relationship, certain that there were none as Nagisa reassures you that you don't have any fault at it. Once you had started to calm down, you hear an unknown noise before he reassured that it was probably the kids next door playing. You found his reasoning plausible, noticing some of the kids remaining to be awake and perhaps full of energy still, despite it already late at night. Nagisa was relieved to know that you've accepted his reason, mentally cursing the real source of such noise.

Not wanting for you to discover and inquire about it further, he suggests for you to stay the night. Not finding anything out of the ordinary as it really is quite a regular situation for you to do the said suggestion of his whenever you would visit and the same as he would, you agreed and thanked him for his hospitality. The needed comfort that he gave to you is thoroughly welcomed, focusing more on that as you helped him prepare the meal for the two of you to share. Gazing at Nagisa, your mood had been undeniably lifted with his help that really made you forever grateful and remaining to be lucky to have him in your life.

When your thoughts started to line up quite accordingly with your feelings, you're left flustered with the possibility of having your friend as your lover, shaking your head to rid of such thoughts and not wanting him to take it the wrong way for you to forget about your ex lover. Unbeknownst to you, your internal conflict had been noticed by him, letting him leave you be as he remains patient. He knew that it wouldn't take too long before you would also realize that the two of you really are the ones meant to be together. With the hindrance now out of the way, he was certain that the success of his plan will approach soon.

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