(Kurahashi Hinano) Sweet But Psycho

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Warnings: Killing, possessive and obsessive behaviors, jealousy, and threat. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The shade that comes from the large tree you're under in helped in lessening the heat you're currently feeling thanks to the scorching sun and from the actions that you did earlier for your activity. Beads of sweat glistened under the sunlight as Kurahashi, your combat partner, gives you a small towel in which you're grateful for, muttering a thanks to her as she cheerfully nods her head in return.

"You've improved, Hinano-chan!" You showed a thumbs up to her, wiping your face and neck from the sweat with your other hand as she also gives a thumbs up in return, a cheeky grin stretching her lips.

"Y/N? Do you mind helping me out with my knife skills?" Toka, your other friend who also just finished the activity with Kataoka as her partner, called out to you, regaining her normal breathing as she was already out of breath from jogging towards your location plus from the activity.

"Hm? Oh, sure." You nod, agreeing to her request as you face Kurahashi again, who waved at the newcomer as a greeting. "Hinano-chan, I'll just teach some new moves I just learned recently to Toka-chan, okay? See you later at lunch."

"Okay, see you later, Y/N!" She waved at you next in which you returned, walking away from her as Toka leads you towards a much better spot than where you two were and start your small tutorial session by correcting Toka's stance and telling her how to do an attack and defense in a right way.

The class bell rings, which means that it's already lunch time. Toka bade her goodbye after thanking you as she left to accompany Kataoka as they need to talk about what they'll do later for the second physical education class. Scoping the area, you saw Kurahashi already inside the room from the window. Before you could also get back inside, you were called by Justice who runs towards you and stops in front. He proceeded to tell you what he was supposed to say as you nod in agreement with his request, waving a goodbye and resuming to your journey back inside. Stepping inside the room, you made a beeline towards your desk and take out your lunch box from your bag.

Noticing someone's presence beside you, you glance at the person to see Kurahashi frowning a little while holding her own lunch box. "I have waited for you since forever. I'm starting to get worried that you've forgotten about me!"

She jokingly points an accusing finger at you as you decided to go along with it, placing a hand on your chest and dramatically facing away with your eyes closed. "I'm sorry, Hinano-chan. Kimura asked for my help later for our second physical education class since we could just improve any of our skills, he asked me if we could improve our speed and agility together."

"You're too kind, Y/N!" Kurahashi beams up, giving a close eyed smile as you decided to end your little drama.

You get two small glass containers in your bag as you almost forgot about it. "You're so sweet, Hinano-chan. Just like this blueberry yogurt parfait I just bought yesterday."

You showed her the container as her eyes sparkle in delight. "You bought a blueberry yogurt parfait?! It looks delicious!"

You handed the container to her, placing it on top of her lunch box as she hold it afterwards, looking at you in disbelief. "I know that you love it, other than Karasuma-sensei and besides, I also have mine."

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