(Kayano Kaede) Guardian Angel

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Warnings: Manipulation, mentions of injury and captivity, subtle violence, possessive, overprotective, and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The words coming from her relieved friends didn't seem to properly reach her despite the good state her being is currently as the doctors informed her. Her consciousness and presence is present, sure, but all she could hear from them are jumbled sentences and blurred statements that she could only assume as their words of comfort, reassurance, and greetings for the new year that the school break along with it was unfortunately not enjoyed well by her. Unlike others that got to spend time of their freedom from school, she remained confined within the hospital to make sure that she's recovering well from her uncontrolled outburst.

It led her to being a damsel in distress from the supposed villain of the situation, resulting with her getting rescued by her friend through a method that she hoped would have been enjoyed between you two instead. You were supposed to be her guardian angel, protecting her at all cost, so why did you let Nagisa kiss her instead of you? Just thinking of the scenario caused her to feel irritated and angered that her first kiss had been stolen and that she could not have it with you. Seeming to have forgotten that she has company, Kayano expresses her frustration through gripping the white sheets until her own fists are close to the same hue.

Being the observant and understanding individual she is, Kanzaki immediately noticed that Kayano doesn't seem to be in a good mood to chat, acquiring the reason behind it that she needs some alone time and assuming that her reddened cheeks is caused by being embarrassed as it appeared at the same time Nagisa tries to talk with her. Not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, Kanzaki gently wishes Kayano to rest well before ushering the others to make their leave along with her. Using her skills, the former child actress cheerfully smiles before gesturing her farewell with a wave before her act disappears once the door closes.

You watch the scene unfold, feeling concerned with Kayano's behavior as she seemed to have something quite heavy on her mind that made you unable to leave her for the mean time despite it being the completion of your mission. She already let go of her anger, regret, and revenge, and it only left you questioning the situation since no matter how you tried, you couldn't make a permanent leave from her life. Sighing to yourself caused by your current predicament, you open your eyes and remaining to stay near the door, letting your figure lean against the wall with your arms crossed across your chest before you made yourself visible.

The brightness within her eyes returned as what you can clearly see and she seemed to be genuinely joyful, adjusting her seated position to let her feet dangle and hovering above the floor before she smiled and greets you. "Oh! You finally let yourself appear! I just really want to see you."

"How are you feeling, Kayano-chan?" You let your worries subside and be away for a moment, wanting to part ways with your human on a good condition as you slowly approach her, letting your hands intertwine before you as you returns her eagerness with a smile.

Releasing an amused giggle, Kayano grins before letting her hands secure her position with a grip on each of her sides, gripping the mattress of the hospital bed as she makes her legs swing to show her enthusiasm. "Much better now that you're here. I feel special having an angel by my side."

"You are special whether or not you have one beside you." You responded before taking a seat in front of her, making yourself comfortable as the atmosphere seemed to have dropped a bit while Kayano's jovial mood seemed to have decreased for a subtle amount.

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