(Sakakibara Ren) Confinement

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Warnings: Violence, drugging, obsessiveness, possessiveness, overprotectiveness, kidnapping, and forced relationship.

If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Consciousness started to visit your being, making you slowly getting unaware of your surroundings as being knocked out for some time made you still a tad bit groggy. Blinking away the remnants of sleep as you stir awake, you sat upright and began to scan around the surrounding as the memories of what had happened flooded your mind that made you alert and angered at what your ex boyfriend had done in the name of still loving you.

Gray blanket covered your hips until a bit farther to your toes, shielding you from the coldness of the operating air conditioner within the room. The walls of the same shade surrounded the room and had also become a boulder towards your freedom with the dark wooden door the only way to get through in which you knew that it's a very high possibility to be locked, seeing as Ren is not a fool to leave it unlocked. As much as you were comfortable with the bed you are currently sitting on, as you had already done so earlier when you came to your bearing from being laid down, escaping from where you are motivated you to get out of the bed.

Your bare feet immediately feel the chills from the marble floor that probably absorbed the coldness of the room itself for the past time you've been unconscious. Just how long were you really out cold? There's only one person that has the answer to your question as there are also more lining up one after the other that you will really rain down like bullets to your captor. Speeding towards the room without clearly inspecting the overall structure and other decorations inside the room as you had hoped that you'll be out of it afterwards, you stood in front of the door.

Again, the cold started nipping in your palms when you placed it upon the doorknob, twisting it open to answer your guess that was correct in which it's locked, making you unable to leave the room and leave it to the one that's probably somewhere inside whatever building you are, which you assume would be his house as the events of your struggle to escape his hold before you were fallen a victim to the chemical that made you unconscious that made you unsure.

"Sakakibara! Get me out of here! I know you're out there somewhere so don't even pretend to not be there!" You call out, furiously banging your fists on the surface of the door while also twisting the doorknob, even though you know it's futile, but did it to add to the noise to get his attention.

You didn't stop until you heard running footsteps that might belong to him approaching the room you are in that made you pause with your actions, preparing yourself to let out your anger to him.

You know what? Never mind the questions, the more important things than that is for you to escape and that's what you'll do once this door opens. How you'll do it will be thought and done later once you'll be successful with the first challenge. Taking a few steps back and physically preparing for your lunge, the door swung open which reveals the relieved expression of your ex boyfriend with small beads of sweat running down his face from his small exercise just to get to you.

"Y/N! I---" You pushed him out of the way, taking advantage of his slightly exhausted state, before running like your life depends on it as it might be.

Having no time to admire the fancy furniture that's surely as expensive, you continue on with your movements while avoiding knocking over some of the vases. Being quite familiar with his house, you soon found yourself in front of the front double doors of the abode after a few twists and turns and choosing the right hallway.

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα