(Koro-sensei) Sweet And Bitter Paternal Love

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Warnings: Slight violence, and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Breathing in and out as you chant a small mantra mentally to calm yourself down and to let your nervousness be forgotten, even for a small moment as you stood before a wooden door that lies inside your new classroom. You were transferred to the said E Class since because of your shy nature, you weren't able to have a good communication between your classmates in your former class that you failed in most group projects that led to your failing grades.

You took a deep breath before exhaling as your teacher calls out to you, not knowing that he is not a normal one. Therefore, when you slid open the door, your eyes were wide as you stare at the octopus like teacher of yours with some of his tentacles happily wiggling on each of his sides as he greets cheerfully at you and informs you to introduce yourself to your class. Freezing in your spot, he ushers you inside with a slight tug as he softly pulls you in front of the class.

"Everyone! Meet your new classmate..." His beady eyes look at you as your gaze was darting between him and your classmates and the two other normal looking teachers standing by the sidelines.

The lady teacher gives a soft smile at you while the other gives a reassuring nod. Looking back to your new classmates, they also give some encouragement by smile, grin, and a welcoming face in general.

"H-Hello, everyone. My name is Y/N L/N and I am pleased to meet you." You give a nervous smile that was enough to make you glow as most of the class already wanted to be friends or to get along with you, having a feeling that you're such a nice person and needs to be protected at all cost, especially a certain teacher of yours.

A tentacle lands on your shoulder as you look up to your unusual teacher. "Welcome to E Class, L/N-san!"

Throughout the weeks after you had transferred, you start to get along with the class. You start to open up with them, be confident around them, and started a strong bond with them. Not just with your classmates, though. You had also become quite close with all of your teachers, especially with Koro-sensei who seemed to adore you.

"You are doing amazing, Y/N! Keep up the good work!" Compliments are being thrown towards you whenever you did something good like getting average marks or getting the correct answer to his question.

"Eek! Do we still need to continue our study sessions? I'm more than happy to do it!" Helping you out with any lessons you might have some difficulty with as he wants you to be led to the right path and to have a bright future secured ahead of you.

"Are you guys taking the train today? Be sure to be safe, alright? Just call me if any of you are in trouble! I'll be there in a blink of an eye." Koro-sensei waves a tentacle, exclaiming his goodbyes to his retreating students that are going to each of their homes.

He's wiping a tear under his eyes as he watch you and the others leave. He lingers his gaze at your form as you chat along with some of your friends before he goes off to somewhere.

"Bye Y/N! See you tomorrow!" You parted ways with your companions once you reached a corner of the street as the direction towards their house is on the opposite one of yours.

Humming a soft tune as you walk along the pavement, you continue on with your journey, unaware of the danger that will greet you after a few seconds. You stop in your tracks when you notice a group of thugs beating up an unfortunate victim. The street had been already barren with only you as the only passerby and being a nice person you are, you wanted to help and so, remembering what your teacher had informed you and the others, you did just that. Picking out your phone from the pocket of your skirt, you start to dial up his number.

The ringing of your phone, in which you forgot to minimize the volume because of the pressure of the situation, it attracted the attention of the thugs as two of them start to slowly approach you with their weapons adding to your fear as your knees start to feel soft like a melted candle wax that made you unmoved in your current spot. After three rings, someone finally answers as you immediately inform your teacher of your current situation, but before you could hear his answer, your phone was knocked out of your grip when one of the thugs slapped it away.

"We don't need any witnesses and you are unfortunate to be one." The man lifted you up by your collar as your feet were lifted off from the ground, dangling as you start to kick and scream as it is very well heard by your teacher through your phone as the call is still ongoing.

And just like what he had said, he arrived after you blinked. Noticing a towering shadow behind you and in front of the man, he looks up and was greeted by quite a scary sight.

"Lay off your dirty hands from my student!" Koro-sensei screamed out with his teeth sharpened and his mouth slightly ajar with puffs of smoke coming out of it.

His beady eyes glowing red in anger as his skin also had the same shade with veins appearing here and there, an evidence of his frustration and rage towards the people that almost harmed you. The companions of the man had already retreated, running away along with their victim who was still able to do so that only leaves the man to face your teacher's wrath. He releases his grip on your collar, but Koro-sensei didn't let you fall on the pavement as he wraps a tentacle gently around your waist and slowly puts you down.

Koro-sensei began an hour lecture on some difficult lessons to the man who wasn't able to answer the teacher's last quiz as Koro-sensei decided to let him go as the man runs off frantically with his hands waving while he screams after Koro-sensei shows a scary face to him, careful to not let you see it. You were sweat dropping throughout the lesson, just noticing that it was already night time.

"I'm so sorry! I got too carried away! I'll send you to your house, this instant!" And with that, you were placed inside his graduation robe as the two of you zoomed past streets, and buildings towards your house as he promised that he will protect you until the day he dies, knowing that you are still quite vulnerable to the world.

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