(Fuwa Yuzuki) Informed

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Requested by: Disguissed_Wolf
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Jealousy, overprotective and possessive behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Happy anniversary, Y/N!" Fuwa happily exclaimed, handing out to you the plushie that she had won from playing the claw machine for almost half an hour as she was determined to give you that certain plushie as a gift for your anniversary after she noticed that it had gotten your attention earlier.

After around three hours of travel from Tokyo to Osaka, which is the place where Fuwa decided to spend your anniversary celebration, the two of you are now enjoying your time together inside an arcade where there are also other people playing with the other machinery. Just like any other day in Osaka, the streets are bustling with people along with other establishments welcoming them and giving them the satisfaction of their visit to leave a happy memory to them.

You and Fuwa are one of those people that would soon have such a happy memory of having each other, seeing as your celebration is going steady and amazing currently with no other distraction whatsoever and Fuwa could only hope that it would be the same until the end of the day.

Gladly receiving the plushie, you proceed to also give her the present that you had prepared a week earlier, seeing as not only did Fuwa plan the whole celebration, but she had also wanted to cover all of the expenses that made you hesitant as you don't want to burden her as the two of you soon agreed to have half of it. "Happy anniversary, Fuwa! Thank you so much for this! I really love it! It would be my turn next year, okay?"

"Okay! Let's go!" Fuwa nodded in agreement after taking some time to relish in delight of receiving such a lovely gift from you.

The two of you continue on to indulge yourself within the fun of playing numerous games the arcade could offer, cheering on one another that soon lead to laughing in victory that resulted with the two of you almost having a bunch of prizes. Luckily, it was enough to be carried by a drawstring bag Fuwa had bought from a store nearby. The two of you continued on with enjoying the beautiful landscape by just simply taking a stroll and having some sightseeing of the area, carefully avoiding to bump with the other passersby.

Reaching soon an alley filled with stores that sell delicacies that would really satisfy the hunger one may feel after a day filled with enjoyment, the two of you soon met with familiar faces of two of your classmates, which are namely Itona and Mimura. Fuwa tries to change direction in order for you two to not be seen by them, but it was futile with the amount of people that blocked other paths that would lead to an escape and soon both of them had managed to notice you two. Mimura eagerly waved at the two of you, joyfully calling out to you as Itona just remained a bored expression on his face, but greeted the two of you next with a small wave after the distance in between had been enclosed enough.

Mimura immediately engaged himself in a conversation with you about an upcoming movie that the both of you had unknowingly liked as Itona joined in too while saying some remarks about it. Seeing as all of you are within an area where it literally screamed food anywhere you looked at, Mimura suggested a place for the three of you to have your lunch, completely disregarding your other companion.

As they lead you to the said establishment, they constantly talk to you about different topics that they deemed to be interesting enough for you to join them, ignoring Fuwa, who was internally boiling in irritation with their disturbance that finally made her call out to the two. "Hey! If you don't mind, you two are disturbing us on our date!"

This made the two to abruptly halt in further continuing to go inside, turning their attention to Fuwa with surprise clearly expressed through their faces that even Itona had his eyes slightly widen.

"What?! You two are a couple?! We weren't informed..." Mimura muttered in disbelief, looking between the you and Fuwa back and forth for a while before squinting his eyes in observation before finally accepting the revelation that leads him to be embarrassed of causing such a bother to the two of you.

You were also stunned by Mimura's revelation, tilting your head to the side in confusion as you asked as Fuwa stands beside you before taking your hand in hers. "You weren't informed?"

Mimura waved his hands in a panicked manner after seeing Fuwa seeming to be protective of you as he soon stuttered his apologies. "S-Sorry! We really thought you were just hanging out together!"

Being relieved with his surprise, it was Itona's turn to inform you two of their departure, not wanting to cause a bother to the couple, seeing as Fuwa really seemed upset and annoyed by the two of them. "We'll leave you doing things couples do. But, have some limitations. See you tomorrow in class."

The two of them hastily left, totally forgetting that they were hungry and had already chosen the establishment where they were supposed to satisfy their hunger.

Even with them gone, Fuwa's annoyance still didn't leave along with them, making her utter out in disbelief as the two of you gazed at their retreating figure beyond the crowd. "How can they not know?! We've been together for a year now!"

You gave a reassuring squeeze of your intertwined hands, letting her have a moment to calm down and knowing that you two were finally alone together, she lets the earlier situation be momentarily forgotten to let herself enjoy the rest of your time together.

Wanting to reassure her with words, you decided to do just that. "Fuwa, let's just tell the whole class tomorrow, okay? For now, let's continue to enjoy our anniversary together."

Fuwa nods in determination, raising a fist in the air that made you chuckle in amusement that was also caused by her being adorable as she exclaim.

"I'll definitely will! No one's going to bother us again, right?" She asked while lowering her raised arm as you answered an agreement right away.

Fuwa soon leads you two towards a food establishment where they serve local foods that you might thoroughly like, away from the suggested place by the two as it seemed like Fuwa was still bitter about it, but it might finally subside once she'll be able to eat some delicious food and would think about what you had suggested later on.


"Everyone! To those who probably didn't know, Y/N and I are actually a couple!" Fuwa proudly exclaimed after standing in front of the class before Koro-sensei could have his lecture.

The teacher was immediately flustered and happy for the two of you while the others are supportive of the revelation, cheering while also informing Fuwa that you had finally arrived.

Fuwa makes her way towards your surprised figure, standing still by the entrance of the room before you were moved further inside by her pulling you gently by holding your hand as she told you. "Now all of them are informed, knowing that you're mine, Y/N."

"Yep, and you don't need to be jealous so much for whatever they are doing when you see them hanging out with me are not caused by some romance." You agreed, giving her a thumbs up that made her blush in embarrassment after knowing that you were able to notice her behavior.

She stutters out a defense while looking away from you. "I-I'm not jealous with them, you know. I just hate it... when they're around you too much that you'll almost forget that I'm also with you."

You laughed in amusement before hugging her in reassurance that caused another uproar of cheer from the others. Fuwa accepted your embrace and also brought her arms around you in a secured hold, knowing that this sudden proclamation of the two of you being together all this time was caused by what had happened yesterday when two of your classmates were not informed with the relationship status between you two. Fuwa is now relieved and glad to let the others know that the two of you belonged to each other, letting herself be calm whenever others try to take your full attention, but of course, it has its limitations and Fuwa might not be able to control herself the next time. Reading some mystery or thriller genre mangas would probably help her with her future problems, if there is.

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