Chapter 23 The Cat's Choice (23)

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After the hot weather, it rained a little, Hoshino Yu sat in the dessert shop and watched Natori's filming.

Looking through the window, Natori Monday was surrounded by people, showing an extremely dazzling smile.

As if aware of Hoshino Yuu's gaze, he looked up, the smile on the corner of his mouth was even better, Hoshino Yuu also smiled back and then looked away.

The system suddenly said, 【Speaking of which, Xiaoyou's next sex date should be coming soon, right? 】

Hoshino Yuu groaned, 【But I'm not sure... how do you calculate the monster's period or something? 】

[I calculated, it was around the time of the summer festival. 】The system said, 【Has Xiaoyou thought about how to spend the period? 】

[Need to think about how to spend it? ] Hoshino Yu asked doubtfully.

The first sex period seems to be no pain. Mr. Natori jokingly said that he will find him in the next sex period. You must not take it to heart. Hoshino thought, since this kind of thing is for human beings, It can only be done between lovers, so he can't find someone to spend his sexual period at will.

After all, the sexual period is not so unbearable, right? So, Hoshino thought, if you have a fever, why do you need to think about how to get through it?

Sensing Hoshino Yu's innocent thoughts, the system hesitated to speak, it was silent for a long while and finally shut up.

Hoshino Yuu took a bite of the pudding, raised his eyes slightly, and Chang Jingji, who was wearing a kimono, sat down opposite Hoshino Yuu and looked outside, "Ah, is the kitty waiting for a name?"

Hoshino Yun hummed and asked, "Why is Mr. Dechang here?"

"I'm here to talk with someone." Dechang Jingsi said with a smile, "I happened to see a kitten. It seems that we are destined to each other, right?"

Hoshino Yu pressed the brim of his hat and said, "Has Mr. Dechang's friend left?"

"Huh? Friends?" Zhang Jingsi flashed his eyes and smiled subtly, "Does the little cat think that all the people who ask out to chat are friends?"

Hoshino looked up at Zhang Jingsi suspiciously, "Aren't you a friend?"

"Not friends." Dechang Jingsi said flatly, "I don't have such a thing as friends."

Hoshino was stunned for a moment, his expression seemed to please Chang Jingsi very well, so much so that Chang Jingsi's smile was two points sincere, "Is it surprising that you don't have friends?"

"No..." Hoshino shook his head, "It's not surprising, I just think that people like Mr. Chang must have many friends."

Zhang Jingsi sighed quietly, "A person like me will not have friends."

Hoshino Yuu tilted his head slightly, "Are you friends with Mr. Natori?"

Dechang Jingsi didn't answer, his eyes fell on Hoshino Yu's head, the hat pressed down his ears, Dechang Jingsi was a little regretful, he asked, "Won't your ears feel uncomfortable like this?"

Hoshino touched his hat and shook his head, "It's okay, it's just strange, why can't the ears and tail be retracted."

Chang Jingsi looked down, "I remember your tail, it seems to like to move around."

"Eh?" Hoshino Yuu was taken aback, "Still... all right?"

"The tail wrapped around my hand the first time I transformed into a shape, remember?" Chang Jingsi recalled the cat's touch, and felt even more regretful, "When can I touch it again? I especially want to pet the little cat. Where's the cat's ears?"

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