Chapter 67 The Squirrel and the Boys (19)

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The news that Keigo Atobe was hospitalized quickly spread, and Seichi Yukimura also received several emails asking what happened to Keigo Atobe.

Yukimura Seichi glanced at Hoshino Yu. When Hoshino Yu came back that day, there were bloodstains on his fur. Hoshino Yu said that he was saving people... It seems that it was because he saved Keigo Atobe.

Atobe Keigo sat on the sickbed, his head wrapped extremely well, and he looked at the front with no expression.

"Master Atobe, do you need anything?" The housekeeper was worried. "The doctor said that you hurt your brain, so you may lose your memory, but I was shocked. I don't know how to explain to your father."

Keigo Atobe didn't move his head, he said, "No need, just treat me as having amnesia."

He was just thinking that he was really in pain at that time, but it was not enough to hallucinate.

Atobe Keigo raised his hand, his arm was so smooth that no trace of injury could be seen, but this is absolutely impossible...

He clearly remembered the burning pain at that time.

"Master Atobe!" the housekeeper immediately asked, "But your hand hurts? I'll call right away!"

Atobe Keigo: "...No need, no."

The loyal butler heaved a sigh of relief, "Master Atobe, you can't hold on if you have something to do. If your head hurts, you must say it."

Atobe Keigo glanced at the door of the ward. After his teammates left in the morning, it was empty and no one came.

Keigo Atobe raised his chin, "Pass me my cell phone."

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, then turned around and handed Keigo Atobe a small black tin box.

Atobe Keigo:"?"

The housekeeper said, "Master's cell phone was broken due to a car accident and has not been replaced yet. I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Atobe Keigo: "..." Does he care about the mobile phone? What he cares about is the contact information on his phone!

"Master Atobe, what's the matter? Is something uncomfortable?" The housekeeper became nervous again.

Atobe Keigo reached out to rub his head, but he only touched the bandages covering his head. He finally put it down and said, "That's right, I have something very important to me in my phone."

The butler suddenly realized, "Understood, is this the contact information of the young master's girlfriend?"

Atobe Keigo: "..." I've got it for you.

Atobe Keigo tensed his face, "Can it be repaired?"

The butler smiled, "Let someone handle it for the young master."

Keigo Atobe gritted his teeth secretly, he didn't think he would admit his mistake, that person must be Yu Hoshino, not only that, he would also turn into a squirrel... definitely not a hallucination.

"Do you not leave your name when you do good deeds, or are you afraid of being discovered?" Keigo Atobe murmured, "So Fuji Shusuke keeps calling you a squirrel because he discovered your identity?"

Atobe Keigo thought about it, maybe everyone knew that Hoshino Yuu was a monster and only he didn't know anything, thinking about it, Atobe Keigo sneered again, "It's still very powerful, right? "

"What?" The butler was taken aback, "Master Atobe, what's the matter?"

"No." Keigo Atobe was expressionless, "It seems that he is not going to visit me anymore, really... I used to visit him every day when he was in the hospital."

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