Chapter 144 Jellyfish and the King of Navigation (5)

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Luffy, who has been staying with Hoshino Yuu all the time, is the first person to find out that something is wrong with Hoshino Yuu.

Little jellyfish floated in the water, even their tentacles turned an unhealthy pink, sickly.

Lu Fei stretched out his hand to touch the little jellyfish, and his body, which was as warm as jade, was usually cold.

"Sick?" he asked.

The sick Hoshino Yuu seemed to be even more dazed, he slowly turned over, "No, it's just...a little heavy, my body."

"It's just sick!" Luffy said firmly, "...It's really strange, how can jellyfish still get sick? It seems a little too fragile."

"Sick?" Sauron next to him squatted down, "It looks like it's not the same as usual, what did he do? Or did you, the idiot captain, do something to him that the little jellyfish can't bear?"

"I didn't do anything special at all." Luffy knelt down and looked at Hoshino Yu in the water, "I just went for a lap in the sea yesterday."

Chopper: "...Jellyfish shouldn't be afraid of water, right?"

Luffy was also surprised, "I thought so too, so why is he like this now?"

The tentacles slowly moved to the umbrella surface, Hoshino Yuu's voice was also weak, "It hurts..."

Luffy stared at it for a while and shouted, "I see, he was hit by the rain yesterday!"

"Is Shii sick?" Nami was shocked, she had never heard of this kind of illness.

"What should I do?" Luffy asked, "Hurry up, take a look at the ingredients."

Chopper: "..." It stretched out its hand and poked Hoshino Yuu.

A jellyfish was hit by rain and became sick, but this jellyfish has no normal animal organs at all... What do you think of it?

It didn't show at all that Chopper was in depression.

【Xiaoyou, Luffy, you will feel much better if you sleep next to Luffy. 】The system sighed, it began to regret again.

Hoshino murmured, wrapped his tentacles around Luffy's fingers, and said softly, "Well, I will be better if I stick to Luffy."

Chopper and Luffy looked at each other.

"Why is it better to stick to me?" Luffy asked strangely as he put the little jellyfish in his palm.

"Because..." Hoshino Yuu's voice was also erratic, "You have what I want..." power.

"What do you want?" Luffy asked, the little jellyfish who shut up in the middle of his speech made him feel a little weird.

"I'm not fragile." Hoshino Yuu said.


It took a while for Luffy to realize that he didn't laugh at Hoshino Yuu this time, but the already dull little jellyfish looked even duller now. Luffy even comforted him, "Okay, you're not fragile, you got sick accidentally .”

Hoshino murmured and closed his eyes in the palm of Lu Fei's hand.

Holding the fragile Yu Hoshino in his arms, Luffy gave a rare sigh. He thought with a headache, although it was fun, it was also troublesome...

However, who let this be his friend? Who told this to be Ace's friend...

Luffy thought so, shook hands and turned around.


"Little jellyfish, it's time for lunch." Luffy poked the soft Hoshino Yuu, "Are you awake?"

Hoshino Yuu blinked and opened his eyes, looked at the scars on Lu Fei's eyes, and said slowly, "Eat, I know."

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