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Head canon: L hates when you get to friendly with Light.

You had just arrived in HQ, still tired from the early start to the day, but despite wanting to collapse onto the first soft surface you saw and fall asleep, you had to push on through the day.

"Good morning (y/n)"

That was Light Yagami, the current suspect who was also helping with the case, it was complicated.

"Good morning Light, guessing you slept better than I did, you seem much more awake" you said.

"I must have, you seem exhausted"

"I couldn't sleep last night, too much much noise with all the thunder"

You sat down in your office chair and pulled out your laptop, ready to start working.

"I can agree there, the thunder wouldn't shut up" Light said.

"You need to teach me how to sleep through anything they way you do, I don't know how to manage it" you said.

"Teaching you how to sleep? Come to think of it I may know a few ways"

Suddenly you were pulled by your chair away from Light, you rolled across the room bumped into another desk.

"We have work, stop talking and get on with it please"

L? Why did he do that? That's not like him.

You looked over at Light who gave you a confused look back. You both shrugged and turned to go back to work.

That was odd. What sparked L to do that? Unless... no that man can't even emotion, there's no way he'd be jealous of Light.

After a while you got thirsty and decided to go make some tea.

"I'm making tea, anyone want some?" You asked.

The whole room said yes in response.

"I'll help" Light said, following you to the kitchen.

"Any idea what's up with L?" You asked, beginning to make your tea.

"No idea, maybe he's finally gone full stress level stir crazy" Light said.

"I wouldn't be surprised honestly" you laughed.

Upon bringing everyone their tea you noticed L glaring daggers at Light as you gave him his cup, with seven extra sugars of course. At this point it was bugging you.

"Are you ok? You seem more stressed than usual" you asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" he said.

You went back to your work, still thinking about what was up with L, so you decided to conduct an experiment.

You walked over to light and struck up a conversation, watching L as you did.

"No way, season twos opening was way better" he said.

"Season one was best you can't deny it!" You replied.

"(Y/n)! Back to work"

You sighed and walked back to your desk.

From what you'd just seen, L glaring at Light the whole time and you being pulled away from him yet again, you'd come to the conclusion that L didn't like you talking with Light.

You sat next to him and turned him to face you.

"Seriously L, you're acting weird. What's wrong?" You asked, waning to know if he'd admit it.


You gave him a look, one that told him you knew.

"W-what's with that look?" He said.

"L... I know what you're doing"

"Fine! Ok... I don't like you talking to Light, he's dangerous, I knows he's Kira I just know it! I just don't want you getting too close to him"


"What do you mean and?" He said.

"And..." you repeated.

"A-and, I guess I don't want you to fall for him either"


"Because I love you and I don't want you taken from me..."

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now