A little bit of magic

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A/n: so you all know I love mermaids, you know what else I love? FREAKING FARIES. SO WHEN MY FRIEND SUGGESTED THIS I WAS LIKE FUCK YEAH. I know you guys aren't too into my fantasy themes oneshots but eh, I can't really post much else at the moment, I'm still finishing a lot of  other oneshots.

Head canon: you are a fairy in disguise, you saw what Kira was doing and decided to use a bit of magic to help stop him.

This will be your fairy form

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This will be your fairy form. You can switch the colours if you like.

You decided there needed to be more positive energy in taskforce, so you put some flowerpots on the desks with various flowers in them. You watered them and made sure the stayed alive, with a bit of help from magic of course.

You see, having a wing masking spell to hide your wings 24/7 deprived you of the joys of nature so you wanted to try and bring a bit of nature to you.

Everyone was obvious to the fact you were not human. All except L, he just felt like something about you was... off. Well, he was right, with you being a fairy and all.

Not the kind with a wand that lived in flowers. The kind from another realm where you all lived in a village in the woods and helped nature in the human world stay healthy. When you saw a shinigami had caused some mischief on the human realm, you had to step in.

Turns out that shinigami - Ryuk was actually pretty chill. He was just bored.

You were kind of mad a him for dropping the Death Note, but you had to stay in his good books so he doesn't spill to light you're a fairy, so you played mario kart with him every so often.

Oh yeah, all magic kind can see each other, so you can see Ryuk and Ryuk knows you're a fairy.

Fairies don't only work with nature, they heal. And since you'd grown rather fond of L, you decided you'd save your fairy dust for him is anything were to happen to him.

"Hey (y/n)" the shinigami said.

"Yeah?" You replied, knowing the others are too stuck into work to notice you talking to him.

"I think L might know about you"

"He knows something, he just doesn't know about the fairy thing... I should probably tell him"

"Why? Aren't you guys meant to be secret?"

"I want to give him my fairy dust so he doesn't get hurt... but he'd think I'm nuts if he didn't know I wasn't human"

"You're going to help a human? I know fairies are goody-two-shoes and all but that's the furtherest I've ever seen one go"

"I like L... he has a good feeling aura" you said.

Just as those words left your mouth, L spoke up.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you?" He said.


You got up and followed him into the hall.

"Ok spill, I know there's something off about you, it's been bugging me for months" he said.

Well, he was straight to the point.

"Promise you won't freak out?" You said.


You put one foot over the other, turning on your toes and your clothes suddenly switched to petal ones, wings suddenly appearing in a puff of sparkles.

L just stared at you in confusion, what the hell did he just witness?

"Yes, I am a fairy. No, fairies aren't small things at the bottom of the garden, they have a whole realm, just like shinigami" you said.

"How did you-"


"Well... shinigami exist so I shouldn't be too surprised. If you exist and shinigami exist bloody dragons probably exist too" he said.

"They do"

"They what-"

"Yeah I've met a dragon before, pretty cool creatures. But enough about that I have something to give you"

L titled his head in confusion, watching you untie something from your waist.

"Here" you said, handing him a necklace with a small bottle of a sparky thing.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Fairy dust, it can heal. When the day comes that Kira gets to you, break it open, when in contact with the skin, it will cease all injured, illnesses and pains" you explained.

"I can cheat death with this?"

"Yep, it can also make plants grow but cheating death is way cooler"

It was silent for a moment.

"Ok, so you're a fairy, this can help me live and I'm assuming you joined the taskforce in the first place to fend off Kira since fairies are meant to protect?" L said.


"But... why? Why are you so fussed about protecting us humans?"

"Because, I don't believe anyone should die early, they need to live a full happy life. And... to be honest, when I first came to the human world for the while Kira thing... I got kind of attached to you, I wanted to keep you safe" you explained.

"Why me?"

"I'm not sure... I just... can't seem to let you go"

He thought for a moment, like he was deducting something.

"Is a fairy in love with me?" He questioned to himself.

"You could say that" you smiled back.

He looked down at you and smiled, putting the necklace over his head.

"Alright, I'll cave... I like to too honestly..." he said.

"I knew you did, like I didn't notice all those little smiles. L, I'll keep you safe throughout this whole case, I promise. All it will take is a little bit of magic"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now