A nasty fall

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A/n: this is a little short sorry.

Head canon: where your hurt, L refuses to leave you until he knows you're ok.

You would win this.

You WOULD win this.

It may just be a stupid race around taskforce with the rest of the detectives suggested by Matsuda, but you were still going to win this.

Surprisingly everyone seemed on board with it, well except L, but he's never on board with these things.

"Ready, set" Misa began.

You were so going to win this.


You were off, running as fast at you could, you turned the corner and rushed down the first flight of stairs.

You ran through the halls and into the kitchen, through the laundry and out into the other hall again.

You were good, you were winning, you only had three more floors to get down.

But to you awful luck, you slipped and fell, tumbling down the stairs that connected the throes and second floors.

You came crashing down and hit your head on the last step at the bottom. You took a moment and sat up, rubbing the back of your head.


You were determined to win though, you pulled yourself up and continued to rush down the hall, but you felt so dizzy, your head was pounding and everything was burry.

Did you just give yourself a concussion?

And before you knew it, you collapsed and blacked out over the finishing point.

At least you won.

"She'll wake up, just let her rest"

"She could be seriously hurt!"

"She just hit her head"

"Yeah, falling down the stairs, hard enough to knock her out!"

What was going on? You could hear voices and you felt something warm around your shoulders, like you were leaning against something.

You began to stir. You managed to open your eyes and when your vision cleared, you saw L looking down at you with a worried expression.

"Are you ok? That was quite the fall" he asked.

You realised you were in L's arms in the floor, in the same spot you fell.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"That race, you tripped and fell down the stairs, you hit your head and passed out"

Oh shit. You did?

"Are you ok? Does your head hurt?"


"Are you still dizzy?"


"Are you feeling sick?"

"A little..."

"You've got a concussion" L stated.

"Damnit" you said.

"Come on, I'll get you some ice"

You suddenly felt yourself be picked up off the ground carefully as to not stir up your vision or make you feel sicker. You were carried up the stairs and into the kitchen where you were sat gently on the counter. Soon enough, you had ice pressed on the back of your head.

"Thanks for the help" you said.

"I couldn't just leave you there. I don't like seeing you hurt..." he replied.

"By the way, did I win?"

He just laughed, even with a concussion, this is all you care about.

"Yes you won"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now