Lonley nights

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A/n: EVERYONE GO BUY TRENCH ON ITUNES KEEP THE BOIZ AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. LISTEN TO TØP DAMNIT. Also, I have a small series of oneshots were L is a Merman bc I love the merfolk AU soooOOO MUCH. Anyone wanna see them? I even designed his tail lol.

Head canon: when you're away for long periods of time, and he's alone again, he really misses you and gets super sad about it.

L couldn't ready focus today, it felt very empty without you around. You were attending your sisters wedding in France and he was left all the way over in England.

He missed you.

A lot.

You weren't there to stop him from eating too much sugar, you weren't there to keep him company, you weren't there to help with cases.

He had no one to laugh with, no one to fall asleep next to, no one to watch anime with, no one to hold closely for long periods of time.

You'd only been gone for three days, you'd be gone for two more, but he was already so bummed about you being gone. It was too quiet in that dark room with all the computers, no amount of candy was able to pull him out of the blues.

He hadn't spoken to anyone since you left and he was starting to forget what his own voice even sounded like.

When his computer started playing the FaceTime ringtone. He scrambled across the room, knowing it'd be you. He picked up instantly and it took a moment to connect.

"Hey insomiac" you said.

You were still in your wedding party attire as you'd just got home, you looked tired and a little tipsy.

"Hey, you look gorgeous" he smiled.

"Ha no, it was so hot my makeup is melting off my face"

"Shut up you're beautiful"

You giggled and flopped over the bed of the hotel room.

"How was it?" He asked.

"Long and kinda boring, but I'm proud of my baby sister... she had the puffiest skirt you'll ever see holy heck. The smile on their faces was so pure and it really showed how in love they were... the day that's us I'm going to cry for hours" you said.

"Was the cake good"

"Oh my god it was the best! It was crazy sweet you would have LOVED it. It was five layers, the top was vanilla, then chocolate, then strawberry, then a cheesecake, then red velvet. It has cookies and creme icing and whipped creme it was so good. I gotta ask for the recipe" you explained.

"Stop you're making me hungry, I want ten slices of that" he replied.

"I'll make some for you when I get home"

It was silent for a moment, as you kicked off your heels and sat up on the hotel bed. 

"I miss you" he said.

"I miss you too" you replied.

"It's been so boring without you... I have no one trying to start pillow fights every five minutes"

You giggled at his words, you were quite the child at heart.

"And I have no one to cuddle... I just want you back now" he said.

"I'll be back in two days, it's not that long"

"Yes it is! It's ages!"

"You'll be ok, when I get back we can watch some anime and sleep all day. Plus, you need to take a break from your constant work, and I'll be jet lagged as hell, we both need sleep" you said.

"I just want to reach through the screen and hug you" he said sadly.

He must really miss you to take on that tone of voice.

"Aw honey, hang in there ok? Then we can hug for weeks"

"But two days is so looonnggg"

He was such a baby sometimes.

"You'll live. I send you all my love and affection through the screen!" You smiled.

He smiled back at you, accepting your love.

"Then I send you all my love affection, take it!"

"I take all your love!"

You both laughed and smiled at each other through the camera.

"It's late, and I'm tires as hell, I'll call you tomorrow ok? Sorry I didn't call you before, wedding preparations" you said.

"Ok, call me as soon as you wake up so I can say good morning" he replied.

"Ok, I love you"

"I love you too, goodnight"


And with that, you hung up. Leaving the detective staring at his desktop, saddened that you were gone.

He leaned down onto the pillow that was in his arms and sighed.

He couldn't wait for you to come home.

It seems that the need for sleep best his insomnia that day, because he fall asleep at his computer and spent the night dreaming of the day you came back, when he could see your beautiful smile in person again.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now