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A/n: SONG ABOVE IS A BOOOOPPPP. Also ik death note is in 2006 but pretend it's now days.

head canon: L isn't one for parties, but has had to go undercover to them for cases. This usually results in L becoming fancy/out of character for the night.

You had to go undercover to a party to tail a Kira suspect today, and to his dismay, L had to come along too. He hated parties, too many people, but it was for the case he was willing to do anything to solve.

He'd come to you since you knew more about social settings than he did.

"I'm not wearing that"

"L you can't show up at these parties in such casual clothes, plus we have to look like teenagers remember? Right now we look like adults, if we dress in trendy clothes we'll pass as graduates at least" you said.

"But that looks so uncomfortable..."

"All that's different is the jeans are a little tighter and you add a jacket and shoes"

"I guess if I have to..."

"Good, now out these on and meet me at the door"

You handed him the clothes and went up to your room to change, all the kids now days were wearing mini skirts and tucked in shirts with thigh highs so that's what you put on, also applying a little makeup to make you look more adolescent.

You packed up your things like a phone, police ID and wallet into your jacket pockets and hid a gun under your skirt in your sock garter.

You wandered downstairs and found L waiting by the door.

Holy shit he looked so different.

He was actually wearing shoes??? Wow. And those jeans made you realise how damn skinny he was, he's a stick.

"Let's go, we gotta tail this creep" he said.

"You got everything?" You asked.

"Yep, let's go"

You both jumped into the car and made you way down to this high schoolers house party.

"By the way, you gotta drop the detective talk for tonight" you said.


"If you want to fit in you have to use slang"


"You know like lit, and slay, and queen and bop"

"Right... I can't wait until this is over"

"Me too, me too..."

You pulled up on the corner and walked over to the already out of control house party.

"Remember, were dating to these guys" you said.

"Right, what do I have to do to make that believable?" He asked.

"If someone tries to hit on me, stop them"

"Got it"

You walked in through the gate and all you saw were drunk high school graduated. L looked like he was ready to die, you didn't want to be here either but hey, maybe you could have some fun.

"Holy shit girl!"

You whipped your head toward the noise to see a girl approaching you.

Time to stay in character.

"I LOVE your boots, where'd you get them?" She asked.

"Ragdolls Lolita, but BIITTCCHH they were expensive as hell, if you want them you better be getting that coin sis" you said.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now