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A/n: a little something for those of you who like submissive L. REALLY NSFW WARNING. Also two tings. Pretty much all of you wanted the really NSFW pics (found them on Pinterest of all places) but to save the minds of the innocent in this book they will not be up there ^^^ but down at the end of the chapter. Also follow my Death Note shitpost Insta @ Lawlietslawlipops lol.

Head canon: L is actually very submissive. He actually the one to be dominated by his significant other most of the time, although there can be exceptions.

You were quite bored, and getting a little needy to say the least.

It has been YEARS since you'd even touched someone in a suggestive way and when you're sitting next to a hot guy all day everyday for work, you tend to get a little... hot.

You knew for a damn fact L could not dominate you to save his life. He was a sub for sure.

He's probably never even had sex in his life.

But he was just such a snacc. You wanted a piece of him.

It was a good thing it was midnight and everyone had gone to bed, because you just wanted him so bad right now.

You gazed over at him, he looked so innocent and vulnerable just staring at it work.

God you wanted him so bad.

Maybe you could... just a little... surely he wouldn't notice. He's been staring at his screen so deep in thought for hours now...

Although if you made it obvious he may notice...

Fuck it, you were so on right now.

You stared at him in the corner of your eye and just went for it.

You knew it was probably a bad thing to even think about playing with yourself when the person is literally right next to you, but you just can't help it, the thought was in your head now... it made you slip into a little fantasy.

"Gah! (Y-y/n)!"

"You're so pure... tell me, has anyone done this to you before?" You asked.

He shook his head, trying too keep in that scream that wanted to escape.

Your hands crept down his boxers and you held him down, the look on his face full of desire, he wanted this so bad.

"(Y/n), please"

"If you want it you'll bet for it"

"Ah! (Y/N)!"


You suddenly snapped out of your daydream, trying to act natural.

Your legs were up against your chest anyway, maybe he wouldn't notice.

"You've been staring at me for the past 5 minutes, what's wrong?"

God his voice is so hot.


"You've also been shifting around a lot, you seem uncomfortable"

"I'm fine" you said.

"There's an 87% chance you're not"

He still hadn't noticed.

"I assure you I'm ok"

He just started at you, scanning you down, wanting to get to the bottom of why you were acting so strange.

He had no idea your head was full of images of you holding him down and grinding against him until he screams your name.

It was then he noticed. He finally realised why you were sitting in such an odd position, and why your hand was hidden.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now