Back issues

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A/n: be prepared for a little note chapter in a bit. I have some projects involving death note I wish to discuss. I'm also moving some chapters a bit so if the book seems out of order that's why.

Head canon: he constantly gets back issues because of his slouch.

You managed to pull yourself out of bed by 7 which was an achievement to say the least. You were definitely not a morning person. But when you reached the bottom of the stairs, and opened the door to see the taskforce, you got a shock that definitely woke you up.

L was sitting NORMALLY.


"What the actual flying fuck?" You exclaimed.

Everyone turned to look at you, wondering what was going on. Including L who looked at you in confusion. You walked over to him and stared at him.

"Who are you and what have you done with L?" You said.

"What?" He replied.

"You're sitting normally? What the heck?!"

"Oh. My back hurts especially bad today, so I'll have to sacrifice some deductive abilities"

You mentally face palmed, of course. He couldn't straighten his back to save his life his spine is probably under so much pressure.

"Sometimes I wanna drag you to a chiropractor..." you said.

"Please no, I do not trust random strangers acting as my doctor..."

By now everyone had gone back to what they were doing. They seemed to be fine without your help so you decided it was about time to help L.

You grabbed his arm and pulled him off his chair, pulling him out the room and over to another, more spacious room.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Fixing your back" you replied.


"My mum works for a massage place, I have extensive knowledge on pain relief in joints"

You grabbed a pillow off the sofa and a blanket off a shelf. You lay the blanket in the floor and put the pillow down too.

"Now lie in your front"

He didn't want to deny you. He knew you got persistent with things very fast, so he did as told.

"Ow, this hurts" he complained.

"Let me do my thing first"

You got on your knees and put both hands on his lower back, pressing gently.

"Does it hurt here?" You asked.



With that you pressed harder.

"OW! (Y/N)!"

"Just wait"

You felt around for a bone in his spine. Releasing tension there should help.

You managed to find it and pressed on it, gently moving your fingers around the area until you felt L start to relax underneath you.

"See, it feels better now" you said.

"I suppose"

You continued to massage his back until you'd done everything you knew of.

"Ok, you can get up now"

You both got up and stretched out.

"That actually feels a little better" he said.

"Told you, now you should just stand up straight for the rest of the day and pop your back, that'll release the tension, there'll still be a little pain in your mussels but I can't do anything about that unfortunately"

You out one hand on his chest and one on his liver back, straightening his stance.

"Now keep your feet where they are and twist your body to the side"

He did as told, resulting in his back cracking and releasing tension.

"Ok, now the other way"

He did as told and got the same results.

"There, now try to stay up straight for the rest of the day and you should be fine" you said.

"No, I don't think that will do" he replied.

"Why not?"

"Well for one, my mussels still hurt and standing just doesn't cut it. In fact my back felt almost painless as you were massaging it"

"It did? Huh, didn't think I was that good"

"You definitely are, so you think you could give me another?~"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now