Lady in white

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Head canon: there are even urban legends surrounding L.

It's said that anyone who tries to track down L will be cornered by a lady with a mask in a white cloak, the lady will use force to scare and threaten them into staying far away from L.

Everyone thought you weren't real. Something made up to scare detectives and criminals into not tracking him down.

But you were very real.

It's your job to protect him.

L has ties to everyone, the FBI, the police force, the CIA, the military, medical officials, hackers, everyone.

Some even say he knows the men in black, but that's all just rumours.

When you're the worlds greatest detective, you have the justice system in the palm of your hands. Like L or not, there is no denying he is the best at what he does. Because of all his connections to people and agencies, you know when someone is trying to find him within the first few days of their case starting.

And you can go and intimidate them into staying silent.

Like you were doing right now

What made you so scary to others is the fact you can't be killed, you've been shot at before, but you have bulletproof vests, helmets and shin pads under that white cloak. No hit men could ever get you either, your have the gear and training from L to escape, nor to mention that like L, you were off the grid, no one knew who you were.

You were standing outside a private detectives house, looking into the windows, just to scarce him. From the look on his face, you could tell he was shaking in his boots, knowing for sure that the lady in white was real, and he should never have started to trek into L's territory.

You decided it was a good time to talk to him now that you've scared him.

You walked up to the door and knocked on it, hearing him slowly and fearfully open the door.

"H-hello?" He said.

"Give me all your information on L" you said.

"I don't have anything, I think you've made a mistake"

"You have something Mr Takaki Kisetsu, there's no hiding from L, we know everything about you" you said.

"Really, I don't have anything"

You grabbed him by the throat, not even flinching or changing your facial expression. He began to thrash about but you were too strong.

"Stay out of this, now hand it over"

"Ok! Ok!"

You let him go and he scrambled off to get those files on L. When he returned, he handed them to you, and you have him an unnatural smile.

"Thank you. Now I'll make this clear, of you even think about trying to track down L, or tell anyone about our exchange, I'll be sure to make your life a living hell, you got that honey?" You said.

"Y-yes... I'll never look into L again"

With that, you turned and left, smiling to yourself at a job well done.

You flicked through the files of utter bullshit, but hey, you can never be too careful, maybe one day they'll actually find something true about L.

You duked into a back alley and quickly whipped off your cloak, snapped off your protective gear and shoved them all in your bag. You began to walk back past the town plaza as you made your way to taskforce. As you walked past the bonfire pit in the middle of the park, you threw the files in, watching them burn.

Another job well done.

You made it back to taskforce and swiftly make your way through security.

"It's done, we won't have to deal with Takashi any more" you said, walking in.

"Thank you (y/n). Although I think you may have to pay another visit tomorrow" L replied.


L turned his computer screen toward you, you walked over to see what it was.

A post on the mans Facebook, claiming he'd just come into contact with the lady in white.

"Hmm, I guess I will. We can't have media coverage or you'll be at risk" you said.

"Not taking any chances"

You leaned down and kissed L's cheek, earning a smile from him.

"I'll get him tomorrow morning" you said.

"Alright, thanks for protecting me"

"You may have a legacy as L and all but we all know my legacy as your conspiracy theory subject is cooler" you joked.

"Screw off, I'm cooler"

"You wish, I'm the children's nightmare of the crime world"

He laughed at your childish behaviour.

"I love you" he giggled.

"I love you too"



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L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now