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A/n: ok but I fukin died when I saw that picture ^ that little begone thot is ME.

Head canon: you and Misa share a personal trainer, L doesn't particularly like how close he gets with you during sessions.

You were already exhausted, but you only just started the session, so you have to keep pushing.

Would you believe HQ had a gym room? Both you and Misa had a personal trainer and Misa needed one for her modelling job to stay fit, so L put one in to shut her up.

You were currently running alongside Misa at full speed on a treadmill, already sweating like crazy. Your trainer yelling motivational stuff at you both.

L was watching this whole ordeal go down over the cameras. He reeeaallyy didn't like this guy, he was always so... physical with you.

Why? Well he was just spotting you so you didn't fall over during exercises, but L didn't see it that way.

"Alright, off the treadmills" your trainer said.

You both turned them off and got off, taking a quick drink and waiting for your next instructions.

"You're getting good at this (y/n)" Misa said.

"Running has never been a strong point... you sure about that?" You puffed.

"Yeah! You're getting real good at long distance"

"Alright girls, 20 lunges to stretch your legs and we'll jump into some acrobatic stuff" the trainer said.

L watched over the cameras as the two of you began to exercise again. He was watching that trainer closely.

He didn't even know why he was getting so protective of you, this was a whole new felling to him but he couldn't help it. He just hated when he touched you.

"Alright let's do this"

His head turned to another monitor upon hearing the trainers voice.

"We'll start with bend backs, then move into some walkovers"

L watched as the two of you instantly flipped into a bend back with ease.

"How do they..? Well I guess their backs aren't as screwed up as mine..." he said to himself.

You both held the pose for 30 seconds and get up again. You were doing acrobatic stuff to improve your flexibility, it keeps your muscles loose and reduces pains when done right. Something you definitely needed with a job where you sit in front of screens all day.

L watched as the trainer put a hand on Misa's back, supporting her as she flipped over to stand up again.

"Try to keep your legs straighter, lets go again"

While Misa was getting the gist, you were having a little trouble.

Your trainer put a hand on your back to support your flip, much to L's distaste. As you kicked over you went a little crooked, casing your trainer to quickly grab you and stop you from falling in your head.

"Woah! More power in the kick ok?"

L watched, not pleased with his physical he was getting. You tried a couple more times, still not getting it very well.

At this point L had enough.

He walked downstairs to the gym room where you were and knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" You said, upside down in a bend back.

"(Y/n), can I see you for a moment?"


You got up and left the room, leaning against the wall in front of L.

"What's up? Kira progress?" You asked.

"No, I just- ok firstly, how the hell are you so flexible?" He said.

"Dunno, practice I guess"

"Fair enough. But that's not why I'm here. I've been watching your sessions over the cameras for weeks now, mainly out if curiosity and fascination at your ability to bend yourself into a pretzel, partly to keep an eye on Misa but I just have to ask. What's with all the touching?"


"Like... the back things? Why does he always have to touch you?"

"He's just spotting me so I didn't t fall why?" You said.

"Well... I- I don't like it"

"Why- oohhhh"

You knew was was up. A smirk crept across your lips, he was so jealous.

"What's with that smirk?" He said accusingly.

"I see what this is" you said.

"What what is?"

"You're getting all jealous and protective aren't you?"

He suddenly understood why he felt the way he did.

"W-what no-" he stammered.

"You're all annoyed because you wanna touch me and no one else can huh?" You sassed.


"Listen L. I can assure you he's not feeling me up or anything, it's just so I don't fall. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it"

He didn't say anything, his cheeks were red and he didn't know how to respond to your sudden flirtatious attitude.

"Don't worry L-"

You took a step closer to him, standing on your tip toes to try and reach his height.

"-you can touch me all you want later tonight~"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now