Things I wanna do to L

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No oneshot today bc I'm setting up the next book bc I've almost reached the chapter limit.

Because I'm so soft for L, here's a list of shit I wanna do to him. I guess some of theses could become oneshots of you want.

•wrap him in blankets and give him a lollipop and tell him it's all going to be ok.

•lay in silence with him in my arms so he knows he's safe.

•tickle him until he laughs so hard his sides hurt.

•brush his hair and put flowers in it.

•put him in a big fluffy jumper and keep him warm.

•tell him off for doing shady stuff in a case but then feel bad so I hug him until all his blood circulation cuts off and gives him pins and needles.

•tell him how much all his fans adore him.

•if I could sing, I'd sing him to sleep.

•tuck him into bed and sit there until he falls asleep so I know he's getting sleep.

•make him a giant cake and decorate it with smaller cakes.

•protecc him from light yagoomi and all ze haterz

•take him to see Near, Matt and Mello and watch them get all exited about seeing each other again.

•put honey lip balm on him and watch him try not to eat the whole thing because it tastes soo good.

•sit there as he beats my ass at chess and take it like a good sport.

•wrap a blanket around him when he falls asleep at his desk

•or pick him up and take him to bed.

•lots of dirty things but shhhh he doesn't need to know that

•boop his nose

•make him blush somehow

•feed him pocky

•warm up his cold hands in winter

•snuggle him until he's squished by my affection.

•watch him get all confused after I kiss him.

•take a pair of his clothes and wear them all day just to annoy him because when he gets them back they'll smell like my grapefruit perfume.

•put cat ears on him.

•call him kitten and see how he reacts.

•call him baby boy and see how he react.

•wrap up has injuries from his many fights/tennis games with Light.

•run off with him no light can't hurt him.

•stick up for him when the taskforce hang shit on him.

•even more sinful things he doesn't need to know.

•comfort him when he's sad bc he's depressed like 24/7

•play mario kart and watch him freak out when I blue shell him.

•be extra as fuck for his birthday and smother him in praise

•put him in a onesie

•take him to a concert

•put him in a panda hoodie

•dance with him like an idiot

•watch him fail to understand today's memes.

•take care of him when he's sick

•jam to all our favourite songs in the middle of the night

•have a running joke with him that sends us into hysterics and the taskforce are all so confused as to what it means.

•just a wholesome bond with a little spice really.

•I just wanna fucking let him know that he's loved

•like even if he hated me that's fine, as long as he knows he's loved.

•like fuck me I just wanna tell him how much he means to me and that he's literally my reason to live.

•but he ain't real and I fucking know it

•it won't ever stop me from loving him, ever.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now