Under the weather part 2

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Well, things have only gotten worse.

A doctor was called but still hasn't arrived, L was just getting worse. You went downstairs to get an ice pack when you were stopped by the taskforce.

"What's going on up there, where's L?" Matsuda asked.

"Throwing up" you replied.

"Yeesh, he's really gotten himself sick this time huh?" Light said.

"Yep, up to the point where Watari called a doctor, so don't expect him to be down for a while"

You went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and went back upstairs to find L sitting on the floor of the bathroom with his head up against the side of the bath. He was more pale than usual and looked awful.

"You don't look too good" you said.

"I feel like crap..." he mumbled.

Well at least he's admitted he's sick.

"A doctors coming, it won't be long"

You handed him the ice pack and he placed it over his forehead, looking absolutely dead inside.

"You're going to catch this if you stay around me" he said.

"Nope, already had what you have this year and it won't come back" you replied.

You pulled his arm around your shoulder and lifted him to his feet, helping him over to the bed and letting him flop down over the covers.

"I'm hot..." he whined.

You flicked the switch for the ceiling fans and turned them up, letting air circulate throughout the room.

There was a knock on the door and when it opened, Watari was there with a doctor.

"Alright then, let's get started. You're (y/n)?" The doctor asked.


"I'm Dr. Smith, thank you for watching him for the day"

"Well I can't let him suffer"

You grabbed L's hands and pulled him to sit up.

It seems Dr. smith and L already knew each other, not surprising since L had connections to literally every industry ever.

"Ok, so what seems to be the problem?"

"My head heels heavy, I keep coughing, I'm too hot and I can't keep any food down..." L said weakly.

Dr. smith grabbed a thermometer and held it out for L who took it into his mouth.

"Any aches or pains?"

"My joints and stomach..."

The thermometer beeped and the doctor took it back, looking at the temperature.

"Hmm... that's not good..."

L sneezed and instantly held his head in pain.

"Have you eaten anything weird lately?"

L shook his head. Well you considered nothing but sugar a little off but that's normal to L.

"Have you been in contact with anyone else sick?"

L looked at you, wanting your input.

"I don't think anyone on taskforce has been sick recently... maybe someone at the university was sick?" You said.

"It's a possibly"

The doctor did some more routine check ups like checking heartbeat and shining a light into your eyes, all that stuff. He then looked over at some papers.

"It seems to be a seasonal bug, you're just getting it worse than others due to a weaker immune system. You need to be getting more vitamin C and D. While I'm here, I'd like to check your weight, you seem too skinny for the average person"

And that they did, you always knew L was a stick, turns out he's underweight and not getting enough iron either. Of course, his diet is literally just carbs and sugar.

"I can prescribe you some medicine for the bug and you really have be be getting more iron, Vitamin C and D and more sleep, you're so sick because your immune system isn't getting what it needs" the doctor explained.

"Of course, you never see the sun" you added.

"I don't like people" L complained.

"Neither do I, but we have to see people sadly"

After a few more checkups, Dr, smith gave you a bottle of medicine and told you to make sure L took it in the morning and at night and the sickness would likely last a few weeks. You were also told to watch him and how to help ease aches as well as told you to make sure L got sleep. With all that in mind, you thanked the doctor and off he went.

"Ok, here's what we're going to do. First, you need to put on some cooler clothes, you're going to overheat in those" you said.

"I don't have anything that's not long"

"Sleep in your underwear then, see if I care. I'm getting more ice packs and you have to take this and go back to sleep. When you wake up I'll make some soup, that way you won't hurt your throat"


"No buts!"

You walked over to him and put come medicine into the little syringe looking thing.

"It looks yuck..."

"It's strawberry flavoured"

He sighed and let you give him the medicine before cringing at the taste.

"Some strawberry..."

"Now get into something cooler"

"But... I like my clothes..."

You sighed, it was like handing a child with L sometimes.

You just gave up and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it across the room.

"Jesus L you're a stick! Eat some more filling food damnit!" You said.

"But all food is gross unless it's candy"

"I worry about you honey... I'll be back in getting some ice"


As soon as the words left his mouth, he broke into a coughing fit.

"And cough lollies..." you added.

You grabbed everything you needed from the kitchen and came back to find L had just 'noped' and flopped onto the bed, half hanging off it. The poor boy must feel like absolute trash.

You gave him the ice and a honey flavoured cough lolly and gently ran your hands through his hair, he looked so tired.

"Just get some sleep ok? You'll feel better soon as long as I'm here to help" you smiled.

You got up to leave but were stopped by L grabbing your arm.

"Stay please..." he said in a small voice.

You smiled and sat down on the bed next to him, in response, he wrapped his arms around your waist and cuddled up to you, using your thighs as a pillow.

"I feel so gross..." he whined.

"I know, I know. Sleep it off ok? You need it"

You worry about that boy.

He's a handful, but you still love him to bits.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now