Awkward [Part 1]

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A/n: part two will be smut. Also, L's solo form the musical is stuck in my head oops ^
Head-canon: whenever you flirt with L, he tends to feel all awkward and flustered.

"Come on (y/n), we all know you like him. Just do it!" Misa said.

She was urging you to go and flirt with L, she had figured out that you had a major crush on him and she was determined to get you two together.

"I suck a flirting, no way" you said.

"Come on (y/n)! You can do it! I dare you"

"I'll screw up! I get all nervous around him..."

"Listen here's what you're going to do"

Misa whispered the plan in your ear, you had to admit, it was smooth as fuck, but cheesy... but it much just work.

"Come on!"

"Fine, I'm going!"

You got up and and Misa pushed you forward, causing you to trip. You landed on the floor with a thud, making everyone turn to you. This wasn't the plan.

"Are you ok?" L said.

Then it hit you.

"I'm fine, I just fell for you that's all"

You mentally high-fived yourself, that was the best worst pickup line you e ever said.

You saw his cheeks go red as you got up.

"A-are you sure you're ok?" He said, getting all flustered.

"I'm fine"

He turned back to his work and tried to hide his blush. You turned back to Misa who had a smirk on her face.

"Ok, one, that was so smooth. Two, IM SORRY! I didn't mean to push you that hard! Three, you still have that one pick up line to use" she said.

"One, thank you. Two, it's ok. Three, how the fuck will I just strike that up? I got lucky just then"

"Are you forgetting everything I just told you, GO! Don't think an unplanned trip will get you out if this!"

"I'm going!"

You walked over to L and did what Misa suggested, you put your hand down next to his and leaned over him from behind as he worked.

"Hey, you ok? You seem red" you said, trying your best to play it cool.

"I-I'm fine" he said.

He felt so warm and fuzzy with you just leaning over him and being all cute. He always went so awkward and flustered around you, but he didn't know why.

"Are you sure?"

"I-I'm sure, I mean- uh, yes" he stammered, struggling to find words.

So cute.

"You seem off, I worry about you"

"Y-you worry about me?"

"Yeah, you always look so lonely..."

You could see Misa watching in excitement out if the corner of your eyes.

"Lonely... well I'm not that lonely when you're around" he said.

"You're not all that looks lonely, some parts of you look lonelier than others"

"W-what do you mean?"

You took a breath and grabbed his chin, turning him to face you. You gently ran a your thumb over his bottom lip.

"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"

You instantly regretted that. Misa that was the worst pickup line ever. Although it seemed to get a reaction from L, he's cheeks were redder than before and he seemed shocked.

"W-well... um, I mean-"

That when he realised... the reason he was so awkward around you, was because he liked you, no- loved you.

"I'll let you think about it" you smirked, walking back over to Misa, leaving L dazed.

"Oh my god you did it!" She said.

You hid your face in your hands.

"I can't believe that worked..." you said.

"The look on his face was so cute, he was so confused!" Misa cooed.

You both suddenly saw him get up and leave the room. Maybe that get some air after all that, you were all up in his space anyway.

"Where's he off to?" Misa said.

"Probably composing himself after what just happened"

"I don't think he knows what's going on..."

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now