L Analysis 5 - sexuality

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Yes yes I know know. DES WHERE IS THE SEXY ONESHOT?!

It's being edited because I make lots of typos.

But here's something in the meantime.

I've seen thousands of people head canon L as LGBT. And while we have to canon answer there are definitely more plausible ones than others.  So here's my look at it.

I think these would be the most plausible (in no particular order)


Now for the analysis part.

Straight, being attracted to the opposite gender. It's the norm to assume straight until proven gay so that's the first point.

But the big part of this is Misa.

I'm don't really ship L x Misa but I won't deny the fuel it has, and I have to admit their colour pallets together are sO PRETTY.


L stated after Misa kisses his cheek that he could fall for her. And in the 2006 live action he literally grabs her hands when he first meets her and says how big of a fan he is. Two minutes later he gives her a lollipop and says "will you date me instead?"

That right there is a missive push toward straight.

Next, Bi.
Attraction to both binary genders.

This one is completely up to YOU. If you saw the handcuffs  and rain scene as chemistry for Lawlight then that's on you. I personally HATE Lawlight so to me it was an investigation nothing more nothing less. But if you see elements of Lawlight, mixed with the elements of Misa being a love interest, then here's your evidence for bisexual.

Next Pan,

Attraction to someone regardless of gender.

I could kind of see this.

We have evidence he's into girls so that's one. But, just from the way he was bought up, it may have gotten to the point where he was so grateful to anyone that gave him love he didn't even care about their gender. I know that you can only be born LGBT, but if you'd like to think of it that way then there's your evidence. Once again, this is all in YOU, of you saw Lawlight, then you have the evidence for attraction to boys.

Next ace.

No sexual attraction at all.

This is one I can definitely see. L was never a social person, he gives of a very ace vibe to me. I'm not saying all ace people are antisocial or anything, I'm just saying L would be a total antisocial ace if he was one.

Anyway, L never seemed interested in dating, or with sex at all. He's just not cared about love, he doesn't have the time for it, his only focus is the cases he works on. He was a very shut off person that never cared about love, sex or relationships, apart from that one two second moment with Misa.

Finally, Demi

Everyone I ask about this one always says they don't know what Demi is so I'll give a full explanation.

A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a emotional connection. It's more commonly seen in, but by no means confined, to romantic relationships. The term demisexual comes from the orientation being "halfway between" sexual and asexual. Nevertheless, this term does not mean that demisexuals have an incomplete or half-sexuality, nor does it mean that sexual attraction without emotional connection is required for a complete sexuality.

I'm short, if you were demi, you wouldn't want to bang the person until you've formed a strong emotional connection with them. Some don't even want to bang after that connection they just see the person as sexy as fuck.

I could DEFINITELY see L as Demi.

He usually shuts himself away from others, he doesn't care for them... until he's formed a bond that is.

I'm going to use Misa as an example again.

For the while series, L wasn't fond of Misa apart from being a lowkey fanboy of her magazine. But after all these episodes of them being around each other, she kissed him on the cheek and admits he could fall in love.

It took time for him to grow used to her and used to her personality and eventually admitted he may be able to fall in love.

Once again with just the way L's personality is built, he seems very Demi to me.

To me, this is most plausible.

What do you think?

All of this being said, I don't give a single shit what he is he's still my husband and I love him so much. I'd die for him regardless of sexuality. But if I had to pick, I'd say Demi or straight.

Anyway that's all.

What do you people see L as?

If I had to pick, I'd say a Demisexual boy or straight boy. Possibly ace. I never really bat an eye at it because I don't ship him with anyone (apart from me but lol that's never going canon)

I like seeing all your head canons so what do you think?

Or are you like me and not care because you'll love him regardless?

Anyway I'll go finish writing that lemon for you all. Prepare for some kink.

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