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Head canon: L's stubborn, when you have an argument, he distances himself even when he feels horrible about it, he just doesn't want to admit he was wrong.

As rain poured down against the roof, you strummed your guitar gently playing the same few notes as you watched the rain drip from the roof outside. You sat in the hammock under the patio in your pyjamas under a blanket, humming along to your favourite songs.

It's been lonely lately. You haven't seen L in days, you'd really had a fight, even though you were the one who stormed out, you were the one that tried to approach him and say sorry, but he didn't listen, he's spent days at work.

You were meant to be there too, but you could tell he didn't want to be around you at the moment...






"YOU'LL DIE IF YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! You know what... what's the point in trying to help you..."

You turned to leave the room but you were stopped by L's voice.

"So now you're just going to walk out when we have an important case?!"

"You're being stupid, I'M DONE"


and with what you slammed the door and walked out.

-flashback end-

He hadn't replied to any of your calls or messages, you just decided to give him his space and let him be stubborn until he came to his senses. You didn't think it would take so long though. It's been lonely...

You continued to hum your tune as you watched a cat jump over the fence. That cat came to visit a lot, you'd came to the conclusion he's a stay, so you let him stay whenever he comes.

You'd also named him Toothless.

He ran over to you and shook off all the rain, mewing from the cold.

"Hey Toothless" you said, putting a hand down, he rubbed his head against your hand and purred.

You moved the outdoor heater closer, and he paced around in front of it to dry off.

He looked up at you and meowed.

"L's not here at the moment" you said.

He sat down and licked his paw, putting as you pat his head, he'd gotten dry quite fast. You tapped on your lap and he jumped up, curing up in a little ball on you.

You continued to strum your guitar, relaxing you from the thread you and L had caused on yourselves.

"We all need a hero, to show us that deep inside, we'll find there lives a kind of hero too, like the one I found in you..." you sung under your breath.

you sung as the wind rocked the hammock back and fourth. The putter patter of rain mixed with the purr of Toothless and the gentle sounds of your guitar was all very relaxing. Every so often you'd see the headlights of a car go past, or hear a dog bark in the distance, but you'd created a sort of zone of calm, one that was almost putting you to sleep.

Meanwhile L was staring out the window of HQ, watching the rain fall lost on guilt. He felt horrible about the fight. He hates admitting he was wrong, but this time he was so so so wrong, you weren't in the wrong, he was.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now