My everything

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Head canon: one of L's biggest fears is that you'll leave him.

You gave everything to his as he gave everything to you, yet he still worries.

You take is bad days with his good, you stay beside him through the toughest times and you do it all because you love him.

But due to L having bad luck with people and affection in the past, he's always worried you'll leave him.

You always assure him that you never will, but that doesn't dispel the thought in the back of his mind as much as he loves you.

You were determined to make him realise that you're entirely his. So you decided to write a letter, something he can look back on if he ever feels upset.

You gave him the envelope before he left for work today, he usually comes home upset about something so you decided to let him open it through the day.

You stayed home, making cakes and watching anime to kill time.

Sure enough, L's mood ended up dropping halfway through the day as it usually did.

He looked over at the envelope sitting on the table with the words 'read me when you're sad' written on it. He sighed and reached for it, opening it carefully as to not rip anything.

He pulled out the paper and unfolded it beginning to read.

L, my love.

Please don't feel sad, whenever you're sad I feel your pain. Please know that no matter what happens to us, I'll always love you. You're my worst distraction in the best way, my muse, my angel, my everything. Don't you ever think down upon yourself, you've helped me grow over the years and are a massive part of my life. You've been with the through thick and thin, I will do the same for you. You mean the world to me, I don't ever want to let you go.

As his eyes scanned the page, he felt them begin to tear up.

If anything were to happen to you, I don't know how I'd survive. I'll take your bad days and your good ones, stay with you forever and never tell you lies. I'm completely faithful to you, no matter what. Please don't feel sad, he happy. You're the most amazing person I've ever laid my eyes on and I'd take a bullet for you any day. I love you, I love you, I love you, so much it hurts.

I promise I'll stay with you forever, my angel.

Smile for me.

-(y/n) xxxxx

He couldn't help but smile at your words and let happy tears drop onto the page.


He jumped at the sound of his name, turning to see Misa.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

He was silent for a moment and looked back at the letter.

"I'm so in love..." he said, his voice braking slightly.

"I know we aren't really that cool with each other but... can I hear about her?"

Misa was just such a sucker for love, any couple around she had to hear about.

"Where would I even start...?"

"Start with her appearance"

"Well... she's got (h/l) (h/c) hair and the brightest (e/c) eyes you'll ever see. She's smaller than me, but tall enough that if I hug her, I can rest my chin on her head. She has the most beautiful smile and dresses like a model, even when she can't be bothered to dress up she still looks like a princess... and her voice is so nice to listen to, and her laugh... my god her laugh... what on earth did I do to deserve her?" He said.

"L... go home early, see her, we can live without your for a day"

He knew he should argue to stay here, but he didn't want to.

"Yeah... ok, keep out of trouble or I'll arrest you or something"

You sat at the dining table, bored and sticking jenga pieces into a tower after the cat knocked them over the first time. You saw it was about midday and decided to make some lunch.

You looked in the fridge and saw some noodle sauce.

Noodles it was.

You found some in the cupboard and began to boil the water for them when you heard the door unlock. You freaked out for a second, but realised it may be Watari grabbing something for L.

You walked into the front room and to your surprise, were met with L.

"What are you doing back so early?" You asked.

He didn't say anything, just walked over and hugged you.

"Oh! Ok?"

You hugged him back and you both stood there in silence for a moment.

"I love you..." he said.

"I love you too, why are you so moochy all of a sudden?" You replied.

"I read your letter... cried, then a Kira suspect asked about it and I kind of went on a tangent about how much I love you and they told me I should just go home and see you before I end up dying from separation stress"

What a dork. A soft, pure, sunshine dork.

"You're such a softie..." you smiled.

"I know... god I love you so much... can we just sit on the sofa and cuddle for the rest of the day?"

"Once I've finished cooking, sure"

"Thank you, I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you so much"

"I get it, I get it!"

"I'm still going to say it, I love you"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora