Please don't cry

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Head canon: L is prone to meltdowns and shut downs, the medical kind. When under to much stress or in too big of a crowd, he will start to get anxious, then start shaking, the lights will get to bright, things will be to loud, he'll hyperventilate, start crying and become weak enough to collapse and not respond. It's part of his mental conditions.

You were a little worried today. You were out with the whole taskforce and L (who didn't want to go in the first place) in the very busy city of Tokyo. Misa had dragged everyone out because apparently everyone was going stir crazy at taskforce.

You knew that Tokyo is famous for being over crowded, and that's why you were worried, because L and crowds don't mix. You know about what could happen. You've never seen it happen but you know how bad it can be, and how much stress it could cause for the sufferer.

You were constantly keeping and eye on him. He did look a little uncomfortable, but you didn't exactly know if that was just him being L and not liking the outdoors or if he was getting anxious. You turned to go and talk to him but Misa stopped you.

"Want to go into that dress shop with me?" She asked.

"Uh- no not really" you said, looking back at L who was quiet and trying to get away from the passing people.

"You keep looking at L, what's up? You wanna be alone with him on a date or something?" She teased.

"It's just... don't tell him I told you but... he gets shutdowns, I'm just kind of worried"

"He does? Doesn't surprise me. Ok well can you wait for me outside then?"


Misa went into the shop and you stood outside, waiting for her.

L was quiet... it made you incredibly worried.

"You alright?" You asked.

You could see him shaking. That wasn't good.

"Y-yeah..." he said, under his breath.

You knew he wasn't at this point.

You could hear him start to breath heavier.

"L... please, I can see you're not ok... do you want me to take you inside?"

He shook his head, using a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. That wasn't good, you were standing in the shade.

You turned him to face you, he avoided eye contact and just started at the ground.

"You're scaring me, please tell me what's wrong" you said.

He was silent for a moment.

"There's too many people... I want to go home"

This wasn't good... he couldn't function around crowds like the ones in Tokyo. His breathing became erratic, and you could see tears start to fall down his cheeks.

"(Y/n) I want to go home" he said, his voice breaking.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. This really wasn't good.

You wrapped your arms around his waist and gently pulled him forward.

"Hey, calm down. I'm right here, nothing's going to happen to you" you said.

He just continued to sob and shake.

Ok maybe you should take him home. But you can't leave him to tell Misa you're going, this was difficult. You looked into the shop and saw Misa all the way at the back, you couldn't get her attention either.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now