L change the world, a summary

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Ok so some of you seemed very confused about who Maki was.

Let me explain.

In L change the world, L has to stop a group of criminals trying to make a deadly virus, he must find the antidote.

The virus started in Thailand and a wammys resident, K, was there to investigate. He found an incredibly smart child he didn't know the name of and just called him 'boy'. When the place where the virus was being tested was under attack, he took boy and ran. He sent boy to L, the K was shot by the attackers.

Boy was the one immune the the virus and had the antidote.

Meanwhile the company looking for a cure to the virus was taken over by the guys who want to use the virus to kill. The leader of the research team wouldn't give up the research and killed himself with said virus, when his daughter Maki found out, she went to a taxi driver and asked him to go to all the addresses in her phone until they found someone called Watari.

In the film, Watari is dead since this is after Kira, the live action films had L live to shorted runtime, the catch being he wrote his own name in the Death Note so he couldn't be killed by light. He would die 20 days after.

L now has boy, his gift from K. He has no idea what to do with him and just kinds let's him run around taskforce.

Then Maki finally finds L, the fact driver asked for a Watari and L took Maki inside.

Maki explained what happened to her dad. Her had knowing Watari.

Now the group wanting to use the virus to kill are after Maki, because she has the unfinished antidote.

While L is stuck with two crying children and having no clue how to fix it.

When they find Maki with L, Maki says they won't take her and injects herself with the virus, but it's not string enough to kill her instantly.

L takes Maki and Boy and makes a get away in... wait for it... a pink crepe truck.

They are now running from this group and trying to find the antidote. L knows of a scientist that may be able to help.

He only had 5 days left to live though.

Then the crepe truck fails them, they go by bike. L puts boy in the basket of his bike and Maki rides down her own. Along the way they stop for food and L buys Boy a robot toy. Maki notes how odd L's behaviour is and tells him too much sugar will make him sick, L doesn't care.

They take a train, where L swings on the handles and a news report is let out that Maki is on the run and is infected with the virus. The train stops, people freak out and run and the three run off, knowing they'd be caught if they don't.

They stay on the run for a few more days and finally reach the scientist. They begin to work on an antidote.

After Maki has a picnic with L and boy, they make him stand up straight and find it funny, L sits and watches the waves for a bit, and the scientist scolds L for being so clueless when it comes to handling kids.

Boy manages to figure out the final equation needed for the antidote and boom, they have an antidote.

But Maki is now kidnapped. They find she's been taken to be flown overseas and is about to die from the virus.

L gets that freaking create truck and the antidote and literally drives down the runway as the plane started moving. The pilot is killed, the passengers are strung to be affected by the virus, he legitimately jumps onto the moving plane and manages to get the antidote into Maki, the passages and stops the plane from crashing into the airport.

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