Light lights up Light

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Head canon: the two of you stayed together after death. And were there when Light met his end.

Five years ago, you and L died in each others arms of a heart attack, your names penned into the Death Note, your last words to each other an expression of love, and how much you cared for each other. It had been 5 long boring years of sitting in MU watching Light outfox everyone in the human realm. There were tears when Matt and Mello died, but they never joined you in MU. You assumed they became shinigami due to the usage of the Death Note on their half. It was a up to Near.

You'd had high hopes for Near. He was always incredibly smart, he had so much potential.

All was silent as you watched that empty were house where things were finally being tied up.

The room was still as everyone let Nears words sink in, and to the sudden realisation that Light Yagami, was in fact Kira.

You suddenly heard a slow build up of laugher, Light finally breaking. Losing it for the final time.

"That's right... I am Kira"

You and L exchanged a glance. One that said 'knew it'.

Light began to dribble bullshit about how he was God if the new world. Only to be shot by Matsuda, shocking both you and L. Who knew he had that in him?

Some more discourse and Light was in the ground, bleeding, screaming nonsense.

You stood up and looked down at that window to the human realm.

"Where are you going?" L asked.

"Down there, I want to see Lights face when he realises he lost" you replied.

L stood up and grabbed your hand.

"I'm coming too, I want to see the moment he realises we were right all along"

You both stepped through that window and found yourselves in the human realm, ghosts, unable to be seen.

You watched the whole scene play out, standing behind Near and staring Light down.

There were bodies in the floor, the taskforce in disarray as Light made a final break for it.

You saw Ryuk leave, probably following Light.

You put a hand in Nears shoulder.

"Well done, I always knew you could do it"

It seemed like he could feel you, he looked behind him making eye contact even if he couldn't see you. You both smiled down at him before racing off to follow light.

The both of your spirits, running hand in hand after him as he tries to get away. He ended up in another warehouse, lying in the stairs, exhausted.

This was the moment, Light Yagami, Kira, would end.

You both looked down at him, hearing Ryuks voice echo in the distance.

40 seconds.

He gasped for air as more blood left his body. It was amazing he even managed to make it this far with this amount of blood lost.

30 seconds.

It was almost sad to see. If he had never picked up at book. Never killed those criminals, he'd be in law school, a successful student, his family alive, living a happy life.

20 seconds.

The sunset began to shine through the windows and holes in the roof. Lighting up his body.

10 seconds.

His face turned to pure shock, staring both of you dead in the eye. As if he could see the two of you in his final moments.





"Goodbye, Light Yagami, Kira"


His heart stopped, his body going limp.

Light Yagami was dead.

You felt so much joy, but also a little sadness... what could have been if he never picked up that book...

"It looks like justice was served after all" L said.

"It seems so, finally, we can rest in peace knowing such an evil person is no longer terrorising the world" you replied.

"Should we head back?"

"Yeah, lets watch Near from now on... I want to know how he turns out"

"Me too, let's head back"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ